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KHRecoded Why would they do this?

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Its strange indeed. I, never owning a cell phone before, never actually had seen a KH Coded cutscene until I registered on kh13.com Then I had to look up on youtube for a translated version -_-

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They did it before, didn't they?


Mobile phone games might just do well in Japan, so they released a title for the mobile phone.

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Mainly they did create a Kingdom hearts Mobile phone site. But it wasn't a game. Its mainly a fansite for those to get downloads,earn points,ETC.


They just ran out of ideas. So they decided to make a different version of KH 1 on a gamestation barely any kid owns.


Its mainly a game for teens. ETC.

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They haven't ran out of ideas, they simply wanted a side or a mini game for the fans. Since the cell phone isn't really a gaming device, they thought it would be nice to create a way, fans can express their way of Kingdom Hearts, thus the fact they can customize their characters. The first mobile game, Kingdom Hearts V-Cast, was simply about Sora having a dream about being separated from Donald and Goofy, and landing on an island, finding Maleficiant, who at that time he believed was the main villian, and then defeating her. Not really an important or spoiling game.

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They haven't ran out of ideas, they simply wanted a side or a mini game for the fans. Since the cell phone isn't really a gaming device, they thought it would be nice to create a way, fans can express their way of Kingdom Hearts, thus the fact they can customize their characters. The first mobile game, Kingdom Hearts V-Cast, was simply about Sora having a dream about being separated from Donald and Goofy, and landing on an island, finding Maleficiant, who at that time he believed was the main villian, and then defeating her. Not really an important or spoiling game.


Wow, so the events don't even really happen? How Unimportant.


And yes, in Japan they made all sorts of weird phones that're more for gaming. Maybe they sell well for people bored enough they play in cell phones. And that's a good thing for them.

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I could never handle visiting another country of foreign language. I would be so confused. My insanity increasing more than it surely is at the moment.

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