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King Riku

Final Fantasy Delusions

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The moment when Zidane went completely emo when he found out he's a genome


I loved that moment. Zidane is the life coach of everyone else in the game, trying to help them lift their spirits when their life is falling apart around them, and treats his own problems with a devil-may-care attitude, only to fall to pieces when it turns out that his own perception is destroyed, and he has no idea how to deal with it. For the first time in his life, he can't just shrug it off. But, when at his deepest point of despair, all the people that he has helped believe in themselves come to return the favor, making all of his good deeds worthwhile and shows the impact that he's had on the world.

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I loved that moment. Zidane is the life coach of everyone else in the game, trying to help them lift their spirits when their life is falling apart around them, and treats his own problems with a devil-may-care attitude, only to fall to pieces when it turns out that his own perception is destroyed, and he has no idea how to deal with it. For the first time in his life, he can't just shrug it off. But, when at his deepest point of despair, all the people that he has helped believe in themselves come to return the favor, making all of his good deeds worthwhile and shows the impact that he's had on the world.


Eh... he kind of DOES just shrug it off

He doesn't really have a strong reaction until his soul is DESTROYED... or something.

And then he gets over it a few minutes later, anyways :P

But oh man. Dat music

Never Alone

More like... Never Along Because This Music is So Good it's the Only Company You'll Need

... or something

Still a great moment... jsut of of underplayed...

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