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The Unversed

Kingdom Hearts: Unknown Fate (Role-play)

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I keyed in my final instructions, I had 10 minutes to do this, so I had to make it convincing but fast.


I yelled 'Charge!' and went charging headfirst into the swarm,fighting with all my intensity, but not the focus and calm I normally used, but rather in a chaotic emotional whirl.

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"Try to keep up, everyone!" Xavier said to the gang, heading in after the enemies. After not even 10 seconds, Xavier found himself knocked back by the soultakers. "Uhh... Lets try that again." Xavier half said and laughed.

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as everyone was pushing through the swarm of Soultakers they saw in the distance Aqua, Donald & Goofy who where badly injured but where still trying to fight off the Soultakers, so Sora and the rest went over there to help them out. (Riku): "You all right?", (Aqua): "ah, we are now that your here", (Donald): "qqqaaaa these stupid Soultakers are making it almost impossible to reach the castle's library!", (Goofy): "Garwsh, Donald all we have to do is charge hard and fast to the library and we'll get there in no time", (Donald): "that's your answer for everything Goofy, THUNDER!", (Sora): "hey guys stay close or you might get attacked from behind, TAKE THAT!", (Mickey): "Where's Minnie? is she safe?", (Goofy): "shes somewhere safe don't worry your majesty", (Dale): "HURRY!, (Chip): "LETS GET OUT OFF HERE!".

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Kathy: I nodded and smiled. "Uh huh...sure." I said. I stopped just then. "Chip, Dale if you want you could hop on my shoulder." I said and smiled warmly.


(Kay, got it.)

Edited by Sora's Baby

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~Disney Castle~


(Dale): "OK Kathy, Chip jump on!", (Chip): "All right". everyone made it to the library & they quickly blocked the door to keep out the soultakers and then Chip & Dale quickly found the thing they where looking for and it looks like a piece off a keyblade, (Aqua): "we have to find Terra and make sure hes safe lets try looking in the throne room, lets go".

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