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What do you think about the Kingdom Hearts announcements at TGS 2012?


244 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the Kingdom Hearts announcements at TGS 2012?

    • Both announcements sound great!
    • I'm only excited for the HD collection.
    • I'm only excited for the online browser game.
    • I'm disappointed, I wanted more!

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That shouldn't matter. It doesn't change the quality of the games and (shouldn't) effect your enjoyment of them. I also highly doubt that the social game will have anything substantial enough to even pretend to have knowledge of the games atall.

And none of these are remakes, so it doesn't matter that CoM was remade already.

Edited by Silent Fantasy

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Seeing as people have been talking about how long kh3 could take to make...I'm honestly happy with anything. I knew they'd eventually cave and make a story about the origin of the keyblade and/or the keyblade wars. I think it could have a lot to do with current events, with Xehanort trying to recreate the X-blade, as well as with perhaps the enemy beyond the Xehanort saga. I think it will be a nice distraction.


As for the hd remakes....[oaifhnou[sdbvou[AEBV[OAUEBFEwh]foneofna['oefn a]ewofna]oefinaefi




lol a lot of people interpreted the whole secret message in DDD as being a hint at kh3. Nope; past being awakened as a new number...kh 1.5. People should honestly know better by now lol. I really don't think days needs to me remade; the story was nice, but as a game, its just better for a handheld. It really just would be boring on a playstation 3 unless they were to completely change the game, in which case I wouldn't want to play it anyway. They have bigger fish to fry than remaking days. I really do like that we'll have hd cut scenes though, because Days really deserves it. I also hope that they do some more scenes in hd with actual voice acting, such as maybe the part where Roxas questions his existence, and important things like that.


All in all, I'm pleasantly surprised. It is a little like winning the lottery and it only being $100, but its certainly more than I expected, so I will definitely take it.

Edited by deathrebirthsenshi

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oh my gawd

just woke up and logged on to find out these. I AM SO HAPPY.


Edit: well, actually, im rather disappointed they aren't bothering to do Days as an actual game in HD... or practically any of the games. what the heck? if youre gonna do some in HD, do them all... the only decent thing to come of this now is the fact that if it gets a European release then I'll finally get to play Re:CoM.

the online browser seemed cool until i realised it wasnt even going to work on my Mac. or any of the 4 Macs in our house. we dont own a single pc and dont intend to. screw the 'im so happy' now, both announcements are letdowns.

Edited by Xalaru

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It's actually more than I expected really! I'm totally happy with the world atm haha now I only want to know if they release it in the US and maybe also Europe :) Same for the browser game!

And the Art figures are so beautiful, thank you so much for feeding us with all the news so fast <3

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I'm really happy and grateful, I mean, we weren't even sure if KH would be there at all, now we have the announcment for 3 new games! Of course it could have been better, but I'm satisfied with what we got.

Just one last thing, they could have picked other games. CoM already has a remake, they should have picked games that were for handheld consoles. BBS for PS3 would be firetrucking awesome.

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None of the above. I am disappointed, but I don't want more. I was honestly expecting nothing, so I can't very well say I want more than what was announced.


HD Collection excited me at first, then two seconds later I read "for PS3" and knew I would probably never get it. Then I was contemplating finding a cheap PS3, but Days was announced to be only HD cut scenes, which killed my interest in 1.5 (Sure, KH Final Mix is nice, but I really don't desire to play Re:CoM again, and Days...).


The PC game sounds... just bleh. Its a social game, meaning multi-player.


Occasionally you will need your friends help to kill an enemy so they can join in the fun!

That really did the whole thing in. I hate MMOs because I have to depend on other people to kill powerful monsters. Plus, it really doesn't sound interesting (no story relevance, though given what the game is, that's more a relief than a problem). Edited by DragonMaster

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  On 9/20/2012 at 3:46 AM, 'KissyFace' said:

Because missing KH2 FM doesn't warrant disappointment right?


Seriously I wish this include KH2 FM and definately Birth by Sleep FM

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...I DON'T HAVE A PS3!!!!! WHYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


...Okay, I'm good. But I WANT that game, dang it! Why can't it be on an affordable system? I'm in college, I can't afford that PS3 thing!


...Fine, I'll stop ranting. The voice in my head told me to shut up... His name is Bane. :)

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The only way this can get better if namura said he finished versus XIII and is just starting on KH3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My life will be one bit closer to being complete.

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The announcements were great! I'm really excited for the HD "collection" -- can't wait to see what the games look like in 720p! I'll have to buy a PS3 to play it, but I don't care! I ain't even mad that I'll have to dish out $250+ for one thing! Do you see what the hype is doing to me?! I've gone crazy!


Also, looking back at yesterday's poll: "In the unlikely chance that KH will be at TGS 2012..." :lol

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  On 9/20/2012 at 2:59 PM, 'XIIISwords' said:

Perfect way of putting it!

Perfect response!


That's exactly how I feel.


It was the obvious response to make. A lot of things are better than nothing. It's why I didn't bother replying to it.

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