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I've always wondered who the voice is in Kingdom Hearts, the one that teaches Sora/Roxas how to use[or re-use] the keyblade. Now, if I was just asking who it was, i'd place this in the KH2 forum, but honestly, who thinks it's someone either not seen yet or someone that's in BBS or Coded?


For birth by sleep, what if the voice was Ventus? It would certainly make sense, since he's connected to Sora/Roxas in some way, right?

And for Coded, the unknown organization member? Less sure on that one, though, since it may simply be Roxas. But hey, mysterious cloaked figures can have mysterious unknown voices, thought I'd mention him. xD



This is in no way an actual theory, rofl. I suck at those. Just throw ideas, but ideas that make sense, if you please. :3

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unknown member in coded!? i hadnt heard bout tat!!!!!!


Want me to dig up the image? Threw me in loops. Couldn't figure out who it was, but then noticed the shoes.


what? I didn't know that eiter! O_O

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i never knew any of these~~

now coded sounds more interesting.....


behehehe ... a org member in the disney castle .. now THIs could be interesting >: D .. if it isn't riku ...


or isn't he a little too short? maybe not .... roxas? .. I'll go and think about this somewere else xD



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i never knew any of these~~

now coded sounds more interesting.....


behehehe ... a org member in the disney castle .. now THIs could be interesting >: D .. if it isn't riku ...


or isn't he a little too short? maybe not .... roxas? .. I'll go and think about this somewere else xD




its the spirits of the dead OrgXIII members returning for revenge.........


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i never knew any of these~~

now coded sounds more interesting.....


behehehe ... a org member in the disney castle .. now THIs could be interesting >: D .. if it isn't riku ...


or isn't he a little too short? maybe not .... roxas? .. I'll go and think about this somewere else xD




its the spirits of the dead OrgXIII members returning for revenge.........



YEAH! I wanna help them with their revenge!!


someone said something that the figered out who it was ... by the .. SHOES! (*singing the shoe song*)

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My money's on Mickey =P


but seriously though, it's bound to be Ventus or someone who sounds really cool like ATW... Some of the language is like "fear not the darkness." Very Ansem-like. This could be ATW as when Roxas hears it he is in data TT, where Ansem was watching him... as for Sora though I'm not too sure.


So Ansem The Wise or Ventus for me

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idk who the awakening voice is, but if youve been paying attention to the coded vids on this site, you'd see it's





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The voice has already been confirmed to be Mickey a few years back in the first game's Ultimania. Go look it up, please.


PS: I'm not sure if it was the first game's Ultimania, or the Final Mix's. Probably the latter, because it I think it talked about how Mickey talked to Riku in the same way (voice in head) when he was trapped behind the Door to Darkness, and that's how they met up.

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But as we know, in Re:CoM rr when Riku was travelling around Hollow Bastion, the voice was there, the voice was taunting him. The voice was Xehanort's Heartless residing in his heart, so if its the voice of the heart then for Sora, it had to be Ventus. (Plus if anyone ever read the KH1 gameguide, that chapter is called "Dive to the Heart". -.-'

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actually it would be weird that the voive is from mickey, because he don't know sora and the keyblade master is supossed to be riku, and the voice isn't like mickey's personality

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I think it might have been Ansem because he was the one in the Secret place if I remember correctly... and he wanted either Riku OR Sora to open the door...


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These two were revealed in the KH1 Ultimania:

KH1 - To Sora = Mickey

KH1FM - To Riku = Mickey


As for KH2 - To Roxas = ...eh, I've heard it was Namine...

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But as we know, in Re:CoM rr when Riku was travelling around Hollow Bastion, the voice was there, the voice was taunting him. The voice was Xehanort's Heartless residing in his heart, so if its the voice of the heart then for Sora, it had to be Ventus. (Plus if anyone ever read the KH1 gameguide, that chapter is called "Dive to the Heart". -.-'


technically, most of the time that was diz disguised as ansem sod


i think the only times it was ansem sod was when it showed riku in a vast pit of darkness or constrained, the only time ansem sod really appeared was at the end, all the other times it was diz, i think

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