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KHCoM So.....Kingdom Hearts:(Re:)Chain Of Memories.....

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I feel dumb about the last topic I posted....for more reasons than one....so I thought "wait, I haven't done one of those cutsey So threads in a while..."


Yes, now we are disscussing the second official title in the Kingdom Hearts series and the third game overall (chnorologically)


As you can see, I'm letting those who played the original game and the ones who played the PS2 remake get their thoughts in.


Me, personally....I didn't own a Gameboy at the time COM came out (Heck, I wasn't even a KH fan, yet. lol) But soon after my fandom started, a certain buddy of mine gave me a copy of Re:COM for 10 bones. Best purchase ever. :)


I'll admit, it's probably my favorite game in the series. No lie. I just really, really, REALLY enjoyed the story....and while, yes, the card system wasn't great...I still enjoyed it. It was actually pretty fun to use.


Anyways, Time for the bullet points:


(I think I'm about, uh...12 or 13 here)

  • Opening: Clip show? Meh....but hey, the song still rules. :D
  • Hearing Deep Voiced HJO's Sora: Bwah? How is this-I-de-uh-how the--....oh wait....this was made post-II. Right....
  • Donald Fails At Using Magic: Heh-heh. Serves you right for wasting my POTIONS! :P
  • Axel's Debut: "Got it memorized"? Hmmm....why do I get the feeling I'm gonna hear that more often in the future?
  • All Gameplay Cutscenes Are Text! Augh! Reading! D:
  • Donald Flips Out: xD
  • Sora VS Relpliku 1 (Pre-Battle Cutscene): Oh what the...you seriously just turned into more of a dick?! Gah!
  • VS Vexen In Twilight Town: Dang, Sora....angsty much? / HA! That's exactly how you deserve to die, you ice-cold loser! :P :P :P
  • Sora VS Repliku 3 (Post Battle Cutscene): Oh.....that's why he was being such a dick....well, now I feel bad.
  • Larxene's Cackle: :angry: I will hate you until the day I die....
  • Sora's Ending: Yay.....happy time.
  • Beginning Of Riku's Story: OOOH! Riku TIme! :D
  • Riku VS Ansem II: Oh Christ....I smell an OP boss among us....
  • Riku's Ending: Wha--What? The bad guys are doing lulzy stuff? How's THAT make sense? / (later on) 0-0....who's that? Tidus??
I'm done. Now....it's YOUR turn! KH13 users, roll out!


_NOTE_: My first fanfiction, NARUTO: Namikaze Chronicles, has officially gone underway! Look for it in the Writing section. Give it a read and make sure to leave some feedback, a review maybe, and if you want, a suggestion for future chapters.

Edited by Firaga96

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Love. One of the most amazing GBA games I've ever played. :D

Dislikes: you can only play as riku after Sora


RE: com:

Still like it. ALOT.

Dislikes. Some of the ways they did voice acting. (it was after Kh2 afterall)


So yeah....good game.

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I will done my way then :D

  • Opening: C'mon!It could be on CGI!
  • Start of the game: *------* I loved your black coat,strange guy!Came here and give me!HJO voice now is better than KH1,in my opinion
  • Donald fails uses magic: Bitch Please...you just keep healing me,nothing else
  • Card System: Hmmm...it's normal...but i missed Donald and Goofy with me all time '-'
  • Axel: "Got it memorized" BITCH PLEASE,I don't forget anything,it will not be you that i will forgot '-'
  • I would like more Scenes,not only in C.O,but in the Disney worlds...
  • Sora vs Repliku: I played at Proud Mode,and i don't use Combos,then...2 HOURS on Riku,I hate you!
  • Sora vs Vexen: You're soooo easy...why Riku can't be this way?I feel bad when he died :( ....i see him as a good guy
  • Sora vs Larxene: (3 hours later) DIE BITCH
  • Sora's ending: I have done all of this...Larxene...Riku...BECAUSE OF A BITCH THAT I NEVER HAVE SAW,AND I WOULD FORGET HER?!firetruck
  • Opening Riku: A-W-E-S-O-M-E
  • Riku Final Boss: Sooo funny!I liked too much the gameplay of him
  • Riku Story: WTF?!First time i see somebody "smelling" in the story,and he know how the darkness smell?!
  • Riku ending: "You mean the road to the twilight nightfall?(something like that)" "No...The road to Dawn" Posted Image
Edited by Roxas_Wagner

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Opening: Seen it!

Sora's voice: WTF?!?! That's not Sora 0_o oh wait, that's still Haley Joel Osment... WTF?!

Card System: I LUV YOU NOMURA!

Traverse Town: You forgot about them Leon and then you some what know them? You are a very confusing man.

First look at Marluxia: What a pretty woman man *o*

First look at Larxene: Bitch in battle and personality http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png

First look at Vexen: Crais, freaks out, Gonna have nightmares for life 0_o

Riku's story: YES!! I can finally have control over him! If you know what I mean

Riku's "smelling" power: I wonder what darkness smells like?

The End: WTF!? No Deep Jungle!?!

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Three things I disliked the most in the game: 3 Riku having pre-made, non-adjusting decks (Though it did provide a sort of challenge); 2 A large majority of scenes being text was a let-down; 1 LARXENE IS A (@#@$*) OF A F!#%#* PAIN IN THE #%^. whose second battle and laugh will HAUNT AND ANGER ME for the rest of my gaming life each time I think of her.

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I played KH2 first, then Re:CoM (way confusing) but didn't realize it wasn't the first one until a couple minutes in xD SO I played through KH1. Buuuttttt the second time around it went a little like this:

  • Opening: Where's awesome CGI? Hey! It's kiddie Sora!! Zomg I remember fighting you and you and you and you!!! :D
  • Game Begins: O.O Scary man in black coat....Xemnas? But...I thought you died (again, played KH2 first by accident)!!!
  • Sora's Voice: Whhhoooaaaaaa dude. Puberty hit you like a flipping freight train didn't it?
  • Donald Fails Using Magic:.......*realization in 3, 2, 1* Donald I think your magic isn't working correctly.......
  • Axel: O_________________O But.....you died too!!!!! Why did I watch your awesome self die????? X@
  • Card System: I am so toast. Too much quick mental math...7 and 5 and 9 and 0 and ahhhhhhhhh!!! I'm spinning in a spiral of numbers O.o
  • Sora vs. Riku Replica: Riku, why are you wearing that skirt again? You know it's not very becoming on you.
  • Sora vs. Vexen in TWTN: Oh geeze. Good gravy man you're so stinking creepy....especially with that laugh which now haunts me xD
  • Sora vs. Riku Replica (last time): Awwwwww I want to save you!!! >.< But you still need to lose the hula skirt thing.
  • Sora vs. Larxene: Hm maybe this won't be as bad as Axel's fight *50 tries later* Why is there no water command?!?!?!?!? This is why we need it!!! *7 days later* One more hit one more hit!!! *dies* O.O
  • Sora vs. Marluxia: Alright Petal Boy, Flame on!!!! *repeat scenario with Larxene battle* Ok ok ok I promise I won't mock your petals and pink obsession again >A<
  • Sora's Ending: Oh you're such a softy Sora.....even though she screwed up your memories.....so adorable xD
  • Riku's Opening: Gasp! Riku!!!!! :DDDDDD
  • Riku's Smelling Ability: Um.....I didn't know darkness had a scent....hopefully it's muffins :DDD *imagines every character with darkness smelling like muffins*
  • Riku meeting Riku Replica: Aw crud. Inception, KH style. Now how's this supposed to work out xD
  • Riku's Ending: *DiZ asks which road Riku will choose* " Neither suits me. I'm taking the middle road." "Do you mean the twilight road to nightfall?" "No. It's the road to dawn." *awesome end credits start* :DDDD *falls over from epicness of quote*
When I first saw Marluxia I thought he was a girl.....because honestly all you see is pink hair, blue eyes, and petals first. Then comes the voice xD Every time my brother and I see a cutscene with him and petals, we both whisper petals petals petals petals.....we figure that's what it sounds like when he swipes his scythe eveywhere xD

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Opening: Look who is that girl drawing? (i played the version of gba)

First part: Cards? Really? ¬¬

Axel Appear: Yo badass!!!

Larxene appears: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you! how dare you ...

Vexen Appears..... O:O

Riku´s replica.... OMG::::::::::!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vexen´s death...... OoO! Axel for president!!

destiny island plots: How could you Sora? Jerk! -

After Destiny Island plot.... Namine sure you a re the cutess memory tricker i had ever see...

Fight with riku´s replica.... meh

LArxene: Die BItch!!!!!!

MArluxia Appears: he´s gay right?

Axel defeated... still a jerk in the end? awesome

MArluxia defeaten... that death was tooooooooo ... flowerish....

Ending of sora: Namine i love u! :)

Riku´s tory: In resume ... good :)

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