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When's Sora Gonna Join The Fray? {SPOILERS}

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Flowmotion may come back in a different way- sort of like Reaction Commands instead. Command Styles came back in a unique way in Re:coded and 3D, but they aren't the same thing.


Similarly, I hope that Shotlocks come back eventually.

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I want my command styles back...... and I think they should have three seperate stories for Sora, Riku and Kairi each with their own set of allies.


Uh, I don't know about that...maybe a return of the Drop counter? Idk...

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Another KH3 plot element that I decided to kick around....


Here's the basic gist: At the end of DDD. the status of our spiky haired friend is that he failed to pass the Mark of Mastery (Aw... :( ) and has to go on a solo journey to train, get stronger, and I assume try to reach Master rank again. Oh yeah, and he meets up with the Dream Eaters again. (Canon or non-canon? I honestly forgot. But, for the following analysis, I'll consider it relevant.)


So, regarding his current stand, I have to ask....how is his role in KH3 gonna be affected? More over....how relevant will he be at the start? Are we gonna pow around with Master Riku and Kairi for a few worlds then run into Sora at a random world right after? (The world, I think, would make the most sense if it was Traverse Town. Hell, they might even go back to Destiny Islands.)


After, of course, Sora joins the party, he'll be apart of the plot and all that....but I have another question...when Sora joins the fray....how is he going to do it? I put emphasis on "how" because I am referring to his gameplay style. I mean, I'm pretty sure the Flowmotion System will stay as a recurring gameplay element. (Just cuz, IMO, it's amazing. :D) And with that, I think since Sora's reunited with the Dream Eaters, he'll become, like, a specialist in using them, and they'll be an integral part of playing as him. Or maybe the Dream Eaters will be able to be a function for Master Riku and Kairi, too....except for Sora, it'll be a central gameplay mechanic for him and he'll more efficient in using them than Master Riku or Kairi.


That's just my two cents on the matter, anyway...what about yours? I could use the money, I'm flat broke. lol. I kid, I kid....anyways leave some comments and feedback below...


Also -- My first fanfiction, NARUTO: Namikaze Chronicles, has offcially gone underway! Chapter One is up in the official thread right now....make sure to leave me some reviews and suggestions.


HE will probably save kairi in a battle

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I get the feeling Aqua will renounce her Master title out of shame for failing to protect her friends.


Not that I want her to, but it just sounds like something she might do.


Oh....that's a little low, don'tcha think?

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