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The roast of kingdom hearts!

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You know... Axel has had a lot of identity crisises. I mean first he was a nobody, before that he was Michel Jackson, before that Ronald McDonald, before that he had to be the stunt double in broke back mountain, at least he can always go back to being a priest for a boys only choir


Wow, the senses of humors displayed on this thread are so.... dry. Far unlike Aqua's boobs....


Well, I'm pretty sure nomura put a lot of " heart" into that character

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I think it's weird that Sora, Donald & Goofy are best friends. I mean, Sora's 15, and they're like what, 50?


Hey, when the bat crazy duck and the brain dead über dog tell you to get into the gummi ship, you freakin go and pray that the weed wears off soon

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Hey, when the bat crazy duck and the brain dead über dog tell you to get into the gummi ship, you freakin go and pray that the weed wears off soon


All of Kingdom Hearts is Sora in a shroom dream from those mushrooms that Kairi made him gather. She's Gunna be the final boss of KH3

Sora: "you made me have a bad trip, man!"

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Terra's voice actor in BBS was pretty TERRAble.....*waits for aplause.*


What's next?


Aqua's voice is AQUAtic.


Vens voice is VENTUSTIC?


When will the madness end?

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