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Lu Xun

Have you bought the PSP vita already?

Have you bought the PSP vita already?  

169 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you bought the PSP vita already?

    • Yes, I have. It's truly awesome!
    • Yes, I have. I didn't like it that much, but it's not that bad, either.
    • No, not yet. But I will soon.
    • Nah... And I don't intend to unless they make a KH game for it.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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A KH game might motivate me to get the Vita, but I'd rather stick with my home console. Besides, I will probably go nuts if Nomura makes another portable KH game. I want this franchise to get back to stationary systems.

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I would love to buy the limited edition Assassin;'s Creed 3: Liberation PS Vita Bundle Pack but I am saving my money for the Wii U. And why would you only buy a Vita just for one game? That really isn't the best motive to purchase a console. I mean really, who buys a console for 1 game?


Me. I will buy a 3DS just because Kingdom Hearts 3D :D

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I have had one for nearly 6 months now and there is no denying it's impressive tech but it just doesn't have a lot of support. I mean I can't wait to play LittleBig Planet and stuff but right now with Nintendo's line up I feel my 3ds will forever be loved more.


I don't in any way regret buying one though.

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I like the PSP. and there's loads of games for that i'm interested in that I haven't got yet, so I wouldn't get another console just to have about 3 games for it. E.G.

N64 - 1 game

PS2 - bout 30 (the most)

ps3 - 1 game

PSP - 3

3DS - 2

DS - 8


So i'm working to get games for those consoles before I'd bother with another console. Unless a KH game is released on it, I won't feel like I could leave it.

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Um, no, buttons are far from useless. And the latest update allows you to use buttons to go through the menu.


Anyways, yes, I have a Vita.


If the latest update lets you then I take back what I said. But, I haven't used my Vita in a while. Before that update the only times I could use the buttons were in game. EVERYTHING else I had to use the touch screen and I hate that.

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The PSvita has very few good games at the the time, they should make psvita exclusives : and are you serious guys >: D i made a topic about would you like them to make a KH game on the psvita after KH3!! CHARLIE BROWN UGHHHH

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Not getting it 'til a KH game comes out, althought the FFVII remake looks good.


FFVII remake for Vita? Wat?




"PSP vita"


:lol. It's the PS Vita.


Also, no, I haven't gotten it yet. I'll probably wait for a price drop and more killer games before giving Sony some of my money. Or I'd buy full price for it now if they just have UMD backwards compatibility on it and I could play BBS on dat OLED screen. ;_;

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So you buy all your systems only if a KH game is on it? No offence but that's the saddest excuse ever to buy a console. You are totally missing out on a lot of good games. Sure, Kingdom Hearts is a great series but that gives no reason to only buy a console all for 1 game. You should seriously try other games like Kid Icarus: Uprising (which I highly recommend you play because it has a great story, voice cast, and gameplay), Super Mario 3D Land, Tales of the Abyss 3D, ocarina of Time 3D, Mario Kart 7,and Resident Evil: revelations. Trust me, you will not be disappointed in those games. especially with Kid Icarus: Uprising and Resident Evil: Revelations.


I also use my 3DS as my DS lite, for my DS lite got messed up. So I'm actually happy that I upgraded to 3DS.

I also rekindled my interest in pokemon again, so I would possibly buy black, and/or black 2 as well. (and maybe go on ebay and buy TWEWY), but only if I get the money.

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