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KHBbS BBS New World!(:

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Im very excited to say i was looking around on a couple of websites (lost the URL'S) and one of them said that Tetsuya Nomura MIGHT JUST add in Pinochios world. It said that since it didnt make an appearance in KH 358/2 Days that he might just add it in the American version of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep as a bonus for all of his American buyers. GREAT NEWS RIGHT? (; not so sure its going to happen though ):

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o. o;

Where.. exactly did you hear this? It would be better to remember the links or interviews or whatever you're reading from so people think the statement is more believable.


I haven't gotten a real chance to read any of the news lately, but still.


So, does anyone have any link that could possibly back up this rumor?

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I lost the link because my stupid brother cleared my history!!! >.< and btww . does anyone know when my game will arrive? because i will take box art pics and post them here i ordered it 2 days ago on wednesday and it says it ships on the 17th of this month so when will it get here >,< im making an estimate before the 24th EDITTTTT: If it does add the pinnochio world i will pee myself with joyy .

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There is no way in hell that they would add in a new world just for the American release.

The Japanese fans would be furious.

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I'd have to agree with rho. Besides, The implementation of an entirely additional world would take too much time to create, graphically and vocally. An additional world may also have deep impacts/changes to the story. The costs involved to make such adjustments wouldnt be feesable just to add a bonus. Post a link with such news, or don't make such grandiose statements ;) Also, If they dont even care to give USA Final Mix of either games, you can bet they wont care to give us any special additions. Actually, with that said, Im curious if they'll even give us the special edition PSP :dodgy: oh well.

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There is no way in hell that they would add in a new world just for the American release.

The Japanese fans would be furious.


So, the Japanese can get furious when we get a game that has extra features, but we can't get pissed when they get a game with extra features? (see KHFM, KH2FM+, etc.)

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I wouldn't really care for pinoccios world. I didn't really like it in chain of memories. I'd like to see some pixar worlds in future kh titles. Also I'd like to see fox and the hound world. Thatd be pretty cool. If you havnt seen that movie, you suck jk haha. But its a sad movie. I'd like to play in it.

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KHFM and KH2FM+ were a way to give the jap fans a good version of kh and kh2 we got new stuff in both games and the english versions look better so its like they get the Gamma version of the games while we got the full thing any way they wont release that world they cant. it was going to be for days but it was fail.

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i dont know but in Germany in KH1 there were Curt Zisa and so on but not in japan. Maybe it tooks so long because they add something or they do add KH coded (i heard rumors in another thread that someone said)

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I think its about time we had something the japanese didn't in these games other than less gore and stuff........I mean they have all the final mixes and stuff, but i really don't feel like being swallowed by some giant whale(AGAIN!) and I really hated that movie, even as a kid.

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I think it would be great if they added another world to the american version although it will annoy the Japanese fans. I'd love to see Bolt or maybe aristo cats, even though thats most unlikely.

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I personally don't mind a new world in the BBS English version. Although, it would mean that if a Final Mix was created in Japan, it would take longer for the makers to make the next game in the series (Reconnect, or whatever the title will be) because I saw the cutscenes and I REALLY want to know what happens next.


Still, the thought of a new world is an awesome idea. I'd like to see an original world in which it may serve some kind of purpose in the future game, but I'd also like to see a Disney world, too, like Hunchback of Notre Dame, Jungle Book, Pochahontas, or some other Disney movie they haven't added in the KH universe, yet.


So, I'm kind of stuck in between of what I would like to happen in BBS, but whatever happens, I respect the creators' decision.

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