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KH3D [Maybe Spoilers] Ansem

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So i was watching the cut scenes for KH3D again today and saw in one of them "Ansem" takes out Xehanorts keyblade and releases Braigs heart making his nobody. After releasing his heart he says his name is not xehanort and his name is Ansem. Can someone please explain to me why he says his name is Ansem if hes using Xehanorts keyblade. Is this because he really did lose his memory and renamed himself or are there other reasons? it would be nice to know if you want to watch the cut scene for your self here's a link. It might seem like a dumb question but its just one of the many questions about the game I want to know about.


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Well MX memories were gone and he really didn't have his memo. at that momemont and was (ree-lie-ing)sorry cant spell it on the memories he made while being an apprentice.cuz both mx and terra r dormint and fighting mainly each other Subconsciously.

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After seeing that scene I seriously started questioning the motives of the Org. First off, that is Terranort, which explains why he has MX's keyblade. But if he knew that he could weild a keyblade then, why was Xemnas going around saying that the only members of Org XIII that could weild (or however you spell it - my phone doesn't have spell check) a keyblade were Roxas and Xion? It turns out that it was another one of his lies. With the true goal of the org. Reveiled, I wonder if he truly did lose his memory.

Edited by VisitJoan

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Reveiled, I wonder if he truly did lose his memory.


Maybe he regained or parts of it or he lost just parts of it and regained them?

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He lost his memories for a while ( when he had brown eyes ) but then they came back. I say that cause if they wouldnt had come back, he wouldnt prepare his 13th vessels plan. Why called himself ansem? Cause he wanted to say that he is much more than an apprentice and with this name he can make an anagram XDDDD with xehanort he cant :P. Maybe he also wanted to trick the other members ( like: im not the 1 who stabbed ya i wasnt myself blah blah ) Ends up the org didnt truly believe him. After all, they had hearts :)

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