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KHDays Why did the organization make Xion?

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To replicate Sora/Roxas's keyblade wielding powers, so they could catch hearts and make kingdom hearts.


In the end they didn't really care if Xion or Roxas were to disappear they just needed one of the two keyblade wielders to help complete kingdom hearts.

Edited by WakelessDream

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Yeah, but considering their true purpose it's seems kinda pointless.


The true purpose from KH3D? Thats true it does seem kinda pointless then but idk maybe replicas can be Norted too? "It never hurts to have a backup" maybe... Edited by WakelessDream

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The true purpose from KH3D? Thats true it does seem kinda pointless then but idk maybe replicas can be Norted too?


Yeah but it's supposed to be 13. That's why I don't get the purpose. haha


Now that I think of it maybe I should have put this in the kh3d part. :P

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Because they just felt like it.


To replicate Sora/Roxas's keyblade wielding powers, so they could catch hearts and make kingdom hearts.


In the end they didn't really care if Xion or Roxas were to disappear they just needed one of the two keyblade wielders to help complete kingdom hearts.


Couldn't be more specific.

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Yeah but it's supposed to be 13. That's why I don't get the purpose. haha


Now that I think of it maybe I should have put this in the kh3d part. :P


Its because one of them was actually destined to disappear, so it still would have only been 13 members. Had Xion been victorious, she would have been the one the Organization would have used for a vessel.

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Yeah but it's supposed to be 13. That's why I don't get the purpose. haha


Now that I think of it maybe I should have put this in the kh3d part. :P


Haha sorry I'm trying my best to explain lol.. Well they made her as a fail safe I'm guessing, if Roxas disappeared they would have used Xion as a vessel, if it was the other way around, they would use Roxas, obviously that didn't turn out too well for them though, so either way it would have been 13.

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Haha sorry I'm trying my best to explain lol.. Well they made her as a fail safe I'm guessing, if Roxas disappeared they would have used Xion as a vessel, if it was the other way around, they would use Roxas, obviously that didn't turn out too well for them though, so either way it would have been 13.


I guess that makes sense.

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I also think it's also kinda that they wanted she to be their Sora o.o Sora should have been a vessel for Xehanort in KH3D, Xion was build to replicate Soras Power (in the end she looked like him) and then they had to decide: Roxas or Sora-Xion ... One of these both would have been a Sora-Like Xehanort-vessel o:

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Yeah, but considering their true purpose it's seems kinda pointless.


No, Xemnas still had a reason to create Kingdom Hearts.



Remember, the plan revealed in 3D was merely a fail-safe that Ansem SoD - as the Brown Robed Figure - arranged by travelling back in time to assure Young Xehanort forms a back-up Organization. Had Xemnas' original Organization XIII succeeded, there'd be no need for the new Organization arranged by Young Xehanort. Yes, the fact that Kingdom Hearts would retrieve the Organization members' hearts was a motivational lie to push them to create Kingdom Hearts. Thus, I suppose Xemnas' plan was twofold - create Kingdom Hearts (for the sake of becoming all-powerful and recreating the universe in his image, which has been Master Xehanort's intention all along), and creating 13 darknesses out of the Organization members, have them clash with the 7 lights, and thus form the X-Blade - Kingdom Heart's counterpart and the key to actually using it. He needs both. The plan never changed - just a backup plan for a new, stronger Organization in case the original one failed (which it did).


Edited by bambii

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The Org. made No.1 because they needed a maid(Larxene wasn't going to do it) to clean the castle. They later found out it can wield the keyblade, so it ended up being in the Kingdom Hearts plan.

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Yeah but it's supposed to be 13. That's why I don't get the purpose. haha


Now that I think of it maybe I should have put this in the kh3d part. :P


Seven days after they get their thirteenth member, six of them are sent off to die.

It's not really a thirteen person group more often than not...

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Xion was created to absorb Sora's memories through Roxas as well as Roxas's own power. The best way I can describe it is, remember in Re:CoM when "Repliku" absorbed Zexion? http://kh13.com/vide...tacticians-end/ It's basically the same thing, only a lot slower and involuntary since she was only a prototype. The more time they spent together the more power she stole. Remember when Roxas was "sick"? This was actually the result of Xion unintentionally taking his power. And remember when Xion lost the ability to summon the Keyblade? This was the reverse, Roxas taking hers. If all had gone according to plan and they had spent enough time together one of them would have vanished completely and the other would have taken the last bit of power from them, thereby becoming the "New Sora", the 13th vessel, and also preventing the real Sora from ever waking and interfering with their plans.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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She was made to delay Sora from awakening, by absorving his memories through Roxas, eliminating the last as well. She said something like this before attacking Roxas "This is why I was created". So, to don't allow Sora to wake up from his slumber, and kill Roxas after absorving him (his powers and memories)

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I feel like Xion was never technically a member even though she was called number XIV. This was just to make her feel at ease so she could unleash her true potential to see who would emerge as the better key blade wielder. In the end she disappeared and Roxas won. However, I dont feel like Xion was even a person or a nobody so she can't really be a member since she was more of a freaky robot thing at the end.

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