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Text Darkside: The Beginning (plz read)

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Chapter 4: In The Dark


After Nill recovered in the hospital,he looked in the mirror for signs of battle damage.He's dark skin had three scars from the battle.The first was on his forehead going horizontal, it was pink(the inner flesh) and brown around the edges. The other scars were identical,one was diagonal on his left cheek and the final one was under his chin and vertical. Nill was angry that he had to have a stranger fight his battle. Nill had left the building in search of one person; Zathern.He would do anything to find his best friend,even kill anyone who stood in his way.


Zathern and the small boy,whose name was Alfon,walked for hours. They were going to find a group of warriors called the Akaroms. The Akaroms were controllers of darkness who destroyed everything that they felt was either worthless or was so strong that it would throw the world into chaos. Zathern understood this and made sure to buy plenty of medicine in the event he or Alfon would be injured.

"Hey mister,where are we going"?,asked Alfon.

Alfon was twelve years old but he had a strong heart. Alfon joined Zathern on his journey after he got lost in the woods after his parents were killed. Zathern told the boy he would take care of him until they find a suitable family for him to live with. Alfon looked up to Zathern as a brother and did his best to help him.


As the two boys approached the Akaroms' hideout, Zathern reloaded his gun and gave Alfon some water.

"We're getting near to our destination".

Alfon nodded and drank some of the water that was given to him. Zathern and Alfon walked to a large metallic building. It appeared to be an emergency home for the needy. There were two large double doors with a symbol on the front. The symbol was a coiled snake with a sword going horizontally through it.

"Here we are, the Akaroms' hideout".


(wow it took too long to write this)

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I write longer entries in my sleep! But anyways now i'm REALLY interested. A brotherhood spawned between two boys, they would do anything to help each other. SO EXCITING!

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Chapter 5: Unholy


Saki and Mitsuki were sitting on the shore looking at the myriad of stars that illuminated the nighttime sky.

"Hey Mitsuki, where do you think Zathern and Nill are right now". Saki asked, she was really concerned about Zathern. Being she is the youngest and Zathern only a year older she really thought about him a lot over the many years he was gone.

"I really don't know where they are right now but I hope their both okay". Mitsuki replied, her emotions could be interpreted from the tone of her voice; she was sad and worried about the fate of her friends. Mitsuki was secretly angry with herself because while Nill is off trying to find Zathern and fighting demons all she is doing is sitting here watching the stars doing nothing to help. Saki looked at Mitsuki with an inquisitive look. Mitsuki's frustration apparently had begun to show on her face. Her eyes were focused on the sand in front of her and her fists were clenched in a fist so tight that her nails dug right into her skin.

"Mitsuki? Mitsuki! Are you ok"? Blood had begun to drip due to Mitsuki's nails penetrating her skin.

Mitsuki snapped back into reality. She looked at her now bleeding palm.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I was just lost in my thoughts that's all".

What were you thinking about"? Saki asked, slightly reassured.

"Nothing". Mitsuki shook her head. "Nothing at all".

"Oh really? Are you sure your not hiding something"?

Of course not. Why would I be hiding something from you"? Mitsuki burst out laughing.

Saki joined her.


The two had fallen asleep for awhile when all the sudden both of them could hear a voice and they woke up. The voice said "You people are the cause for all this. I will cause you to feel my pain, you will understand the emptiness I feel. You fools..you morons you think a soulless boy and a weak man can help you, can protect you. I will kill these humans you put your trust into your faith. I will drink their blood and then tear your heads off and devour your souls!

Soon a wave rose from the water and three small streams of water spawned from it and went towards the pair. As the streams got closer they duplicated and created a shape. Two lion-like creatures surrounded in Darkness landed in the sand and roared.

"Run"! Mitsuki screamed as she grabbed Saki's hand and rushed towards the beach huts constructed near Saki's house.

The demon lions charged.


*Hope you liked this chapter*

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Chapter 6: Luck or Fate?


As Saki and Mitsuki ran up the hill, the demon lions were nearly about to strike the two down. The girls knew that it would take a miracle for them to not be killed by their pursuers, who were finally close enough to bite Saki's leg and separate her from Mitsuki. Luckily, a miracle was about to happen. Their was a flash and the demon lions disappeared. By the shore stood a boy with white,long, spiky hair, black armor, a white cape, and an orange mark in the shape of a fang on the right side of his face. The boy looked at the girls then disappeared.

"Who was that"? Saki asked as the boy disappeared.

"I don't know, but I think he may have something to do with those demonic lions that attacked us".


Back at the entrance to the Akaroms's hideout Zathern had knocked on the door. The sound of metal clicking could be heard as the door opened. Zathern and Alfon walked inside at first not seeing a single person. Soon the door slammed behind them and bladed wires were heading towards them.

"Jump"! Zathern said as he jumped in the air then back flipped. Alfon followed Zathern's advice and jumped and back flipped with him in sync. Zathern grabbed his gun and began to shoot all around the interior of the hideout. The bullets bounced off of pillars and walls that were chipped in basically random places. Alfon formed a fireball in his hands and threw it down at the wires and they all caught on fire and disappeared. As Zathern and Alfon touched the ground, the shadow of a man could be seen running. Zathern turned around and shot once and a grunt was heard afterwards. The two boys walked in the direction of the sound and found a man wearing no shirt with black pants and a chain belt with his hand covering his right shoulder with his hand and on his knees. He was wearing a white mask with eye holes. He began to tremble as he saw Zathern walking up to him.

"Your...your the soulless boy he told us about". The man said in a shaky voice.

Zathern stood directly in front of the man and pointed his gun at the man's head, a calm expression remaining on his face. Zathern nearly pulled the trigger when a different gunshot was heard. Zathern quickly deflected the bullet with his gun.

"Your good. I'll admit that but can you defeat me"? A figure surrounded in Darkness and purple lightning emerged from an area surrounded by pillars. The figure was holding a sword covered in Darkness. The figure charged at Zathern and slashed at his torso. Zathern did a cartwheel dodge and then kicked the figure where its face would've been. The figure attacked rapidly and Zathern dodged almost all of the attacks, only his wrist and leg were cut by the sword. Alfon didn't want to watch, he wanted to help instead. He made one large fireball and threw it at the figure as Zathern rolled out of the way of another one of its attacks. The fireball hit the figure and it caught on fire.

Zathern looked at the figure as it ran around screaming hysterically.

"Good job", was all he said to Alfon as he ran up to the figure, who by this time had managed to extinguish the flames that burned it, and shot it in the face. The figure dodged the bullet and grabbed his sword. The figure swung at Zathern's face and Zathern ducked, punched the figure in its ribcage,and managed to take the sword from it. Zathern then cut the figure's head off with the blade and blood squirted out as the body hit the ground. Alfon looked at the head of the enemy as it rolled on the floor of the hideout. Zathern walked up to the masked man who look terrified now,

"H..how did you kill Natsuroshi Kazanako. He mastered the art of Shadow Transformation. He should have been an immortal, a god"!

"There are only five immortals and they don't have time for pathetic humans like you". Zathern replied.

Zathern put his gun away and then switched the sword to his right hand. When he did this the Darkness that engulfed the blade vanished. The blade had a black handle with a black skull at the end. The blade itself was blood red. Zathern walked in front of the man then stabbed him straight through the center of his face.Zathern pulled the blade out and the face split in half and fell to the ground. Zathern and Alfon left the hideout since they got what they came for, $100,000,000 and the Sword of the Reaper.


*sorry it took so long, parents kept shutting down the computer before I could save it as a draft.*

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Chapter 7: Duel (two days later)Zathern and Alfon were now walking in the port town of Aquarius. They were seeking a boat to take them to the dark island Wraith."Look, I see one!" Alfon shouted as a large white ship with gold cursive glided slowly and smoothly on the water's suface and stopped at a dock not too far from where they were standing. They ran to the boat and by the time they got there, the boat finished unloading passengers for the night."Sir, can you please take us to the island of Wraith please"? Alfon politely asked."I've never heard of an island by that name, kid." The captain replied. He didn't mean to sound rude to anyone, but he really never heard of Wraith island, and Alfon is a kid."It looks like this," Zathern said holding up a picture of the island taken by Zero."Sorry, but that island... is cursed." The captain left his ship and walked away.Zathern and Alfon sighed and walked to the next ship they saw. This one was similar to the previous one but this ship was not unloading normal passengers. It was unloading...demons.Zathern and Alfon both cast fire magic at the demons and they incinerated. As more demons charged from the boat, Zathern and Alfon continued there routine of fire, until two large demons spawned from the water. They looked similar to the demons that attacked Mitsuki and Saki on Harmeo except larger.Mitsuki and Saki were sleeping on the floor of a wood clubhouse when they felt large tremors from underground. The two hurried to the shore when the saw the white haired man from before."Who are you?" Mitsuki asked."I am the Soul Eater. You two must be Mitsuki and Saki. Zathern has told me a lot about you." the man summoned a strange sword. It had a double square handle, which were connected to intersecting swords, a large crystal like arch that came in between the space separating the two swords, and a golden blade spawned from the top center of the arch."Y-you know Zathern? How?" Saki trembled when she saw at the sword.Hanuro gave her a small grin. "We have had many confrontations. In fact, you could say were great acquaintances.""Stop lying! I know for a fact Zathern would never be nice to a fiend like you!" Mitsuki snapped.Hanuro stared at her surprised. "I think its time for us to leave." Hanuro thrust the sword into the ground and a dome shaped explosion erupted from where he was standing, covering the island. The two girls screamed as they felt their bodies fading away.---------------------------------------------------------------------I'm finally done with that chapter. Look forward to the next chapter of Darkside: The Beginning :D!

Edited by Emo/Yami

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