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Conspiracy Theory

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Okay, so Final Fantasy Versus XIII is a no show again this year... But wait, a thought!


What if all this delay is to generate hype so that Versus XIII will immediately sell well, and generate a higher sales percentage than Final Fantasy VII managed? What if it's been finished for years and we're just not getting it so they can sell more?

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Considering how bad this can look to consumers, I seriously doubt this is possible.


Consumers wouldn't know, they wouldn't tell us. We would just know that it was finally released.

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Consumers wouldn't know, they wouldn't tell us. We would just know that it was finally released.



I'm refering to waiting on a game for 6 plus years . It looks bad to consumers as if the game is troubled or has many issues.( not saying it actually does, just that it can appear that way )

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I'm refering to waiting on a game for 6 plus years . It looks bad to consumers as if the game is troubled or has many issues.( not saying it actually does, just that it can appear that way )


Yeah but how long are people gonna wait before they lose interest XDD


Yes, I'm just putting forth the idea that maybe they thought doing this would work.

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There is hype, and then there is impatience. We went past hype a LOOOOONG time ago.


Besides, the longer it takes for a game to come out, the less people are interested in it when it finally does. Not to mention it makes Square look REALLY bad.

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No, see, there's a key missing thing here. Square Enix isn't generating hype, they're generating insecurity. If they wanted to create tonnes of hype, they would be steadily leaking out all sorts of details, and making every individual feature seem as amazing as possible, much like the hype generating that took place with Super Smash Bros Brawl. If the game was finished, they would have no problem doing that.

See, nobody would care if Versus took even longer if we recieved a steady stream of info. In fact, we'd all be so hyped we would constantly be talking about how amazing it was going to be, and wouldn't care if it meant we got KH3 later.

Instead, the silence is causing people to lose faith. They are wondering if Square Enix has NOTHING to show, and that's why they are staying silent. Attempts to generate hype by associating Versus with other titles has instead led to people caring more about said related products as opposed to versus. Take the KH3 thing, for example. It was clearly meant to get KH fans interested in versus. basically saying "Versus? Yeah, that'll be like KH3... you want KH3, right?" and to a degree it WORKED. But now people jsut view it as the obstacle in the way of getting KH3.

Square Enix was really screwed themselves over with this mess, and they're never going to make it up, unless they star releasing some content.



The rumor saying it's a no show is just that, a rumor. We won't know if it's a no show until TGS has come & gone. So just be patient.


Naw. It's not listed on Square Enix's TGS list. Versus isn't a secret, they wouldn't withhold it from the list just to 'surprise' people

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Final Fantasy 13 Versus will come out when Final Fantasy 13 Versus comes out...


I believe that SquareEnix needs to finsh explaining the Final Fantasy 13 first before they can do Versus so we'll have to wait till after Lightning Returns. And originally they planned it to just be one game but since it got such a negative backlash among some fans they had to expand it in order to try and improve it, since having to hold Versus back.


Though they could of just ended it all with Final Fantasy 13-2 than just exanding the expand but they want to please the Lightning fans that missed out on her in the sequel. SquareEnix are trying too much to please all groups of the Final Fantasy fanbase and it's going to take a while.

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