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This Girl

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Soo I'm sort of in love with this girl I met in 7th grade. She's a sophomore and I'm a freshman. I have had an amazing friendship with her and we met through Kingdom Hearts. I know a lot about her. I remember we would always talk in middle school. Sometimes I feel like she likes me too but I am still unsure. Sadly I haven't been able to talk to her much except at lunch. I dunno what else to say on the topic besides we know each other very well.


Out of boredom I would like to share that I have given her gifts before.


Posted ImagePosted Image(She loved Mudkip)


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But it's okay if you can't give any Dx


I've never been in a relationship, unfortunately. Plus I'm really bad with advice. I would say just try to make time to spend with her, especially if you don't see her anywhere other than lunch. If you guys are such great friends then I'm sure she'll be happy to hang out after school.

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Propose to her via wayfinder lol. That's like my dream gift right there. Maybe not a wayfinder, but one more like Kairi's good luck charm to imply romance rather than friendship. I've never been in a relationship, but...

Possibly bribe her friends to ask about you...or just sort of spill out your feelings to her. That may be the best option; better to get an answer than to wait around and lose the opportunity, forever wondering what might have been. I realize that its not quite that easy, and that can kind of mess up a friendship, but don't just be that friend who wants to be more; it can be a trap.


"The gayest ƒɑց"? lol.

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But it's okay if you can't give any Dx


I was about to write some advice! xD


Well.. Since she likes KH try taking her attention by it or i dunno something else she likes.


But if you cant wait and you want her to be your girlfriend i dunno just ask her and see what happens man! And since you have the chance take it, becaues there was this girl i liked and i was going to tell her but i always canceled it for another time and she got in a relationship :/



Anyway to get close to her compliment her if she changed something on her like " I like your new hair" or "I like your outfit". Belive me this works. Make her laugh, tell her jokes or find out about her fav comedians and watch them with her, but most of all flirt her. You can make eye contact with her or smile. Girls notice these things.Try touching her in different way i mean if she is worried put your arm around her, if you walk to a crowded place hold her hand or when she takes off her coat help her.

And when you feel ready to tell her just ask her out. If she rejects its her loss



Good luck! :D



PS: I'm sure she wont reject xD

Edited by SoraKH

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lmao at the last one haha. and yeah dude, if you really like her give it a shot. i personally suck at these things, but with this one girl i liked, i eventually plucked up the courage to tell her how i felt. at the time she wasnt sure but a week later she said yes and we've been together happily for 9 months now :) so you never know what happens, and you wont regret it no matter the outcome

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Well since she likes KH you can try some of these:

[spoiler/] Posted Image[spoiler/]


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[spoiler/]Posted Image[spoiler/]



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Clearly I don't know how to use spoilers T_T


Okay all of those are just hilarious. I might use some of them lol.

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