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Project Crystallis

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This morning we here at Blistered thumbs received some interesting information from a new Final Fantasy fan group, called “Project Crystallis,” that alerted us to their mission: bringing attention to and obtaining information about Final Fantasy Versus XIII and securing a western release for Final Fantasy Type-0 for the PSP. The group is focusing on these two games because they are part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythology which has been explored in Final Fantasy XIII 1+2. Despite being included in this same umbrella, we have not received clear information on the fates of either of these titles. Additionally, there have been murmurings that Final Fantasy Type-0 has been fully translated, but there have been no explicit plans to localize it by Square Enix.

The group has decided to adopt the tactics of fellow activists Project Rainfall, which increased awareness of several Nintendo RPGs, by petitioning Square Enix and spreading the word about the two games to raise interest. The end goal is just to receive clear information on the status of Final Fantasy Versus XIII and the possibility of a western release of Type-0. They are not trying to force the development team behind Versus XIII to speed up development, but “simply want clear info instead of the usual ‘Wait a little bit more,’ ‘Soon,’ or in this case ‘Wait till Next year’.” Project Crystallis stresses that they want to “simulate the peaceful approach of Operation Rainfall instead of the violent one like ‘Retake Mass Effect 3 ending’.”

The group can be found at the following sites:








So, what do you think? Project Rainfall’s model has been successful in getting North American releases of The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles, so there is definitely a precedence for fan communities and their petitions getting results. Project Crystallis’ requests are relatively small in comparison, so it would seem that they have a good chance at getting their information, given enough support. Please share your thoughts in the comments below and feel free to clink on the links above if you wish to support Project Crystallis.

(Big thanks to Onionpony)


Source: http://www.blistered...ject-crystalis/


I support this

Edited by baptiscool19

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Well Type-O did come out for the psp, and since Sony is trying to get higher sales for the PSVita, I'd doubt that Square or Sony would want it to be realesed on UMD. Look, some games come out in America and some don't, you can always order Type-O from import but other than that I don't see a bright future for it. And with Versus, I think we should just leave the development team alone, they are making 13-3! They don't have time to be working on Versus too! You just have to be patient.

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i read from siliconera about one year ago that SE started the FF Type-0 translation but no news since then about it it's unlikely they will bring it in US Vita is struggling and psp already dying in here so opposite when you talk about PSP in japan

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