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Where is Final Fantasy X HD?

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All we've gotten about the game is an announcement and a now old short interview which just confirmed it was a remaster.


It's not even going to be at Tokyo Game Show 2013.


It's a horrible comparison but Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection didn't take long. In fact it was quicker than I thought.

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I don't know, wait? We've been waiting for Kingdom Hearts III for almost a decade now. Think you can do a bit more then 1 year, right?


That's completely different. We actually know that we wont be getting KH3 for at least another four years. We've got no idea about FFX HD.

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Isn't it only coming out in Japan? If so, what's the point of even wondering when it's gonna come out? We won't get it anyway...


Both the PS3 and PS Vita are region free which means you can play a japanese game on a US PS3 (any other region PS3) or vice versa

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Isn't it only coming out in Japan? If so, what's the point of even wondering when it's gonna come out? We won't get it anyway...


ANd where exact;y did you hear about it being an Japan exclusive? There's no way Square-Enix would make an HD version of FFX exclusive to Japan. That would just be downright stupid and would make a lot of fans whine and complain about FFX HD not coming overseas.

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ANd where exact;y did you hear about it being an Japan exclusive? There's no way Square-Enix would make an HD version of FFX exclusive to Japan. That would just be downright stupid and would make a lot of fans whine and complain about FFX HD not coming overseas.


I don't know, it was definitely on this site, check the interviews or something...

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Rob has been saying this about FF 10 in every thread relating a HD collection relating to Square. Makes you wonder how long a KH HD collection might take.

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ANd where exact;y did you hear about it being an Japan exclusive? There's no way Square-Enix would make an HD version of FFX exclusive to Japan. That would just be downright stupid and would make a lot of fans whine and complain about FFX HD not coming overseas.


Just like how they would be stupid not to release final mixes overseas? I mean, X already has a version that never made it to North America


Rob has been saying this about FF 10 in every thread relating a HD collection relating to Square. Makes you wonder how long a KH HD collection might take.


Probably less time. FFX has a bunch of CGI scenes and 2D backgrounds that would need to be entirely remade. KH does not


That's completely different. We actually know that we wont be getting KH3 for at least another four years. We've got no idea about FFX HD.


at least another four years


four years.






No seriously. What. No. Just no. There is no guarantee of that. You are pulling that number out of your ass. You have no basis for that beyond supposition. Don't go around spouting false information as truth, it just leads to confused fans who think what you say is confirmed.


I don't know, wait? We've been waiting for Kingdom Hearts III for almost a decade now. Think you can do a bit more then 1 year, right?


You have? I mean, KH just turned ten, and I'm pretty sure half of those years were taken up by KH1 and 2...and I doubt people started waiting for KH3 the MOMENT KH2 was released, never mind that KH2 teased BBS, which was released a short time ago...

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No seriously. What. No. Just no. There is no guarantee of that. You are pulling that number out of your ass. You have no basis for that beyond supposition. Don't go around spouting false information as truth, it just leads to confused fans who think what you say is confirmed.


Lol. It will be at least another four years. Versus XIII wont be released until late 2013 at the earliest. So they wont start KH3 until late 2013 at the earliest. And it'll take 3 - 5 years for KH3 to be made.

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Lol. It will be at least another four years. Versus XIII wont be released until late 2013 at the earliest. So they wont start KH3 until late 2013 at the earliest. And it'll take 3 - 5 years for KH3 to be made.


Except they already have an engine build. Additionally, it was never actually said that they wouldn't start until it was finished, but rather when they reached a BREAKTHROUGH. For all we know, KH3 has been in the works for years by now

I also doubt that it would take 3-5 years to make KH3. Plan it? Sure, but Nomura has mentioned in interviews that he's been planning it for a while. But KH has never recived the attention that Final Fantasy does, and they've been managing to keep a constant stream of XIII related games over the past few years.

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Except they already have an engine build. Additionally, it was never actually said that they wouldn't start until it was finished, but rather when they reached a BREAKTHROUGH. For all we know, KH3 has been in the works for years by now

I also doubt that it would take 3-5 years to make KH3. Plan it? Sure, but Nomura has mentioned in interviews that he's been planning it for a while. But KH has never recived the attention that Final Fantasy does, and they've been managing to keep a constant stream of XIII related games over the past few years.


For all we know Versus XIII isn't even 3/4 finished. We don't hear anything about it, and don't receive any footage. It's not even coming to TGS 2012. It's obvious Square Enix don't have much to show otherwise they would be showing it at TGS 2012. I can't see Versus XIII released until 2014.


If KH3 doesn't take 3 - 5 years to make then it would be a short game. Not something we want.


KH3 coming to the PS4 in 2017 in Japan. 2018 in English regions.

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For all we know Versus XIII isn't even 3/4 finished. We don't hear anything about it, and don't receive any footage. It's not even coming to TGS 2012. It's obvious Square Enix don't have much to show otherwise they would be showing it at TGS 2012. I can't see Versus XIII released until 2014.


If it doesn't take 3 - 5 years to make then it'll be a short game. Not something we want.


Interesting. I don't remember saying anything about Versus' release date (BTW there are plenty of reasons for them not to show anything besides what you said. misguided attempts to build hype, not wanting to show anything until closer to the actual release... lots of stuff)

And the number of years spent developing a game don't determine the length. KH1 and 2 both took around two years to make, and those involved making entirely new engines, in KH1's case on a fairly new and alien platform. Versus XIII is KH3's test run. They already have plenty to work with, and no doubt have a lot of stuff they haven't shown us, as they have clearly been working on it in the background.

I'd like to point out that I'm not trying to get you to agree with my prediction, but rather to stop treating your own as fact, we don't want to confuse people, because it only gets annoying when topics start cropping up with people saying KH3 is 'confirmed' for a 2017 release

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