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Lu Xun

What's your opinion about KH3D's storyline?

What's your opinion about KH3D's storyline?   

175 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion about KH3D's storyline?

    • It's great! One of the best in the entire series!
    • It's good... Not that special, but not bad, either.
    • It's okay... Could have been better, though.
    • It's terrible. I dislike it.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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not special but not bad.i loved kh1 it felt like the disney worlds had to do with the story then just show up kill monsters beat a boss leave get a keyblade.and people complain about getting lost in kh1 worlds

Edited by venquaerra

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Altogether, I thought the story was very nice. However, DDD had issues like KHII did, in that the pacing wasn't the best (and the Disney worlds were pretty irrelevant, except for the Young Xehanort scenes and the unlocking of the Keyholes). Pretty much everything relevant happened in optional flashbacks, and an info dump in the last world. Therefore, while the content was great, poor pacing marred the experience. I chose the second option, as it was the most fitting of my opinion.

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It was a great story overall, however it felt short and non of the Disney worlds felt relevant to the story as DragonMaster said. It did give a major mindf**k in the ending, but it confused the hell out of me, especially with the time travel element introduced in the plot and with every secret ending shown so far, this one just pointed out the obvious :/


These are the only flaws in the story I've seen so far.

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I have to agree that it really didn't hold enough content to be a full game. This could've been explained in KHIII. I wish Nomura would go back to how he told stories in KH1 and 2. Where stuff happened thoughtout the game that was important to plot and making the Disney worlds matter. BBS did ok at this, but still nothing like KH1 and 2. If he is running out of steam, then he needs to not make a game. LEt you ideas flourish and make a game thas full of great plot twists. Not make a game that has 1 or 2 plot twist at the end with no warning. lol

I hope to god that he is only sticking to this type of gamepay and story telling for the un numbered titles. KHIII needs to follow root with KH1 and 2. If it goes like these past few games, i'll be highly dissapointed.

Anyway, guess my score would be, ok at best. Definantly not the best.

Edited by Silent Fantasy

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It was... okay. I don't rly think they introduced anything big enough that couldn't have been in kh3 but I guess it was good as a prologue. Except the last world rly, I don't think it had anything much to it except the usual teasing of Xehanort's versions towards Sora and Riku and the small scenes after the end of each world which they could have been a big scene so yeah...

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Its best one along with BBS, mostly because story was connected to past titles in many ways (like Vanitas short appearance and Pete mentioning the Data-scape).

I love it and im sure plot of next game will be awesome too

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Not bad, but not the best either. It set up the next game and the structure of the final conflict fine, but the use of time travel in conjunction with the sleeping worlds was very confusing. I don't like time travel as a plot device, and I hope it isn't used too much in KHIII.

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It was okay, but the whole last world was like a giant Inception-mind fu**...... But it did introduce some pretty cool elements like (spoilers) Riku becoming a true Keyblade Master, which is kinda like Terra's dream living on through Riku.

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I was rather hoping for Sora to say something along the lines of, "I'm sorry, I should not have killed the Nobodies on the grounds I didn't think they had hearts when there was no need to. Those individuals have every right to exist.' Followed by some questioning as to whether or not he should have a right to wield the Keyblade.

Unfortunately all we got was 'Roxas has a right to exist, and now that Axel isn't a Nobody and he just saved me, I guess I'll let him too.'


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