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You think they should keep the flowmotion in kingdom hearts 3?

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Absolutely. But did anyone else notice that the flowmotion moves are actually action commands? I think that the next time they use flowmotion in a game they should give us more options for the flow-mo attack commands so that we could install diferent commands just like the other decks and customize flowmotion for ourselves. It would be a nice change and they could add some really cool stuff into the flowmotion experience with the variety.

Edited by Elijah Gravenhorst

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YES :D. and like i said before. they should make it to were you can add abilities and get more attacks and level them up and such.


Would it be weird story-wise to keep flowmotion in the realm of light?


I also thought of that too xD but maybe yen sid can grant them flowmotion or something idk XDDD

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I hesitate to judge, since I haven't actually tried the flowmotion system yet, but my gut says they'll toss it in favor of the more traditional systems they've used in the past. If they keep anything from the handheld games it'll probably be the deck command system. That worked well enough in BBS that they implemented it into re:Coded and DDD after all.

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I love flowmotion, but it doesn't fit story wise. They were able to use it in the realm of sleep because of differences between reality and dreams. I think that they will either have to implement it in a logical sense, or find something new.

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Would it be weird story-wise to keep flowmotion in the realm of light?


I love flowmotion, but it doesn't fit story wise. They were able to use it in the realm of sleep because of differences between reality and dreams. I think that they will either have to implement it in a logical sense, or find something new.


What, Sora can run straight up buildings and cut them in half in the blink of an eye, but flowmotion is the most unreal gameplay part of the KH series?

Edited by DG20

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YES :D. and like i said before. they should make it to were you can add abilities and get more attacks and level them up and such.



I also thought of that too xD but maybe yen sid can grant them flowmotion or something idk XDDD


It could possibly be one of the new powers they get for unlocking the seven keyholes of sleep.

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They have to implement it better, too many times I was just trying to dodge roll an enemy's attacks and then whoops! flowmotion! and then I'm dead. I honestly think it would've been soooo much better if you couldn't initiate flow motion from the ground

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Nah, it wouldn't sit well with the story anyway.


Everyone has been waiting for a long time for kingdom hearts 3. They need to make it so it has the best gameplay in the series how does it live up to it without arguably the best gameplay feature ever in a kingdom hearts game in flow motion.

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Everyone has been waiting for a long time for kingdom hearts 3. They need to make it so it has the best gameplay in the series how does it live up to it without arguably the best gameplay feature ever in a kingdom hearts game in flow motion.


Who says they have too.

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