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Magic and "sanity".

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On a thread someone told me something. Instead of giving thier name away I'll put some anagrams with the added letters m, j and x:




Told me everyone had a sane side. :blink: And that this anomaly known as "normal" did exist. I then realized that my what we call crazy or wierd about ourselves is usually our "sane" side. I therefore found out that several other people actually have a dormant side in them that exists beneath they're mind called an "insane" side.


Basically what I learned was....apparently we are never insand unless we let that side out. And apparentaly insanity is not a bad thing as it is portrayed as. Apparentaly there is a difference between madness and insanity. Apparentaly some people's sane sides are not far from they're insane sides.


So I decided to see what my insane side was like. And it is not far from my sane side. But I figured I would make this thread for it. I may regret it later. But that's future me's problem. Take that future me! :ph34r:


Next topic:


Recently I have aquired valuable information. Apparently magic exists. But not like you think it would. Only certain people control it. And those people can only use it ON THIS VERY SITE. I have seen two people use magic on one particular forum in question. Instead of giving there usernames away I will once again put them in annagrams with the added letters m, j, and x.






I have tried using this magic for myself but get nothing. It seems that only some users on Kh13 have magic. Both of these people are quite different when it comes to thier account records, yet they can still use magic. Below list if you are one of the few Kh13 members with magic.


And for the people who gave me this information, you know who you are. ;)

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It seems that only some users on Kh13 have magic. Both of these people are quite different when it comes to thier account records, yet they can still use magic. Below list if you are one of the few Kh13 members with magic.


And for the people who gave me this information, you know who you are. ;)



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I'm not sure if it's what you mean, but about the Magic thing... can you specify a bit on it? What kind of magic? As in literally making fire sprout of your hand or... something more abstract?

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On a thread someone told me something. Instead of giving thier name away I'll put some anagrams with the added letters m, j and x:






Am I magic now?

I will once again put them in annagrams with the added letters m, j, and x.







You spelled Gumi's name wrong :P

Edited by khoathkeeper13

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Told me everyone had a sane side. :blink: And that this anomaly known as "normal" did exist. I then realized that my what we call crazy or wierd about ourselves is usually our "sane" side. I therefore found out that several other people actually have a dormant side in them that exists beneath they're mind called an "insane" side.

In Freudian terms, it's refered to as ego and id. Id is the more base level, instinctual side of the brain, concerned with base pleasures and immediate gratification, IE, things such as eating and avoiding pain. Ego is the presence of more rational thought, being able to concoct meaning and higher thought out of the world around us.


Basically what I learned was....apparently we are never insand unless we let that side out. And apparentaly insanity is not a bad thing as it is portrayed as. Apparentaly there is a difference between madness and insanity. Apparentaly some people's sane sides are not far from they're insane sides.

Viewing madness as "bad" depends largely on the cultural and historical context. According to Focault, there was a time when madness was deemed a relatively positive thing, in that the person in question had somehow gained knowledge beyond this realm of existence. In pre-Victorian England, madness was looked as the complete and total loss of humanity, with the possibiltiy of spreading, and thus such un-humans were shipped across the sea away from civilization. Of course, once the philanthropy fad kicked in, more compassion and thought was spent to see thsoe deemed mad as "sick" and who required healing. This is not to say that madness is inherently good or inherently bad, but rather that it depends largely time and space, and is subject to change.

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In Freudian terms, it's refered to as ego and id. Id is the more base level, instinctual side of the brain, concerned with base pleasures and immediate gratification, IE, things such as eating and avoiding pain. Ego is the presence of more rational thought, being able to concoct meaning and higher thought out of the world around us.




Viewing madness as "bad" depends largely on the cultural and historical context. According to Focault, there was a time when madness was deemed a relatively positive thing, in that the person in question had somehow gained knowledge beyond this realm of existence. In pre-Victorian England, madness was looked as the complete and total loss of humanity, with the possibiltiy of spreading, and thus such un-humans were shipped across the sea away from civilization. Of course, once the philanthropy fad kicked in, more compassion and thought was spent to see thsoe deemed mad as "sick" and who required healing. This is not to say that madness is inherently good or inherently bad, but rather that it depends largely time and space, and is subject to change.


I want to like. ;_;

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