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Nora Valkyrie

The World Ends With You 2 Role-Play

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I knew it he thought I was a Reaper.... "Ok everyone next match is........between Death Wolf and..... Shining Moon!!"

It was a girl who walked up this time, "Don't think just because I'm a girl that this is going to be easy."

"3........2...........1.....SLAM ON!!" The announcer said as we placed our pins down, it wasn't much harder than the last one but I still won.

"Whatever." I the girl said leaving as I walked down waiting for the next match.


(oh yeah Lee loves kh forever says that her laptop is shutting down every time she hoes on this page and can only go on her dad's computer which is VERY slow)

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"And still no one even LOOKS at me? Damn, these people are really focused on eachother." I walked down back to the tournament, seeing a match between 'Death Wolf' and 'Shining Moon.' Death Wolf brutally won. "Well i'm glad i'm not doing this yet. Maybe I can ask of some tips when he's a champion." I glared at him one more time and sat on a spectator seat.

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I noticed a player sitting at the spectator area not doing the mission...and saw him glaring at me. And it made me remember that I didn't have my hood on, walking near to the exit I put my hood on making me feel better.

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'Death Wolf' glared back at me and left. "I need to ask him a few things..." I said to myself, as i strolled towards the exit. (What should I call him by? Death Wolf?) "Hey, uh...Death Wolf. Can I ask you a few questions?" (before I start asking for tips I think I should ask more important questions.) "Can you explain to me, why i'm in this 'game' when i'm supposed to be dead? Everyone I talk to has been pretty busy it seems..." (I need to enter that tournament soon...)

Edited by CloakedSchemerX

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I saw the player walk up to me and ask questions, and I didn't know all the answers but I could at least answer his.... "This game is a second chance in life..." I transmitted into his mind, I forgot how many times I played this game and how many times I fixed my weapon, and all the times I had those wings on my back...

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"A second chance in life huh...." (That does make sense.) "Do you mind if i can have a bit of tips on Tin Pin Slammer too? I really sucked at it back in my other life. By the way, my name's Isaac Akira. What's yours, or do i call you Death Wolf?"

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"So when do I get to go boys?" She walked up putting up her best innocent face which was pretty good as she looked at them with big eyes. "I hope whoever goes against me goes easy on me." She was going to be sly to win this one. It might play out if she went against a boy but against a girl she was screwed. "I wonder who's going to win this anyways?" Shinra thought silently to herself while watching the events unfold.

"I want to make it a challenge for Sayo then. Give the player a fair chance at surviving when we steal her weapon. I made a doll of who she was," He took out the nerd looking doll with black hair, a barcode under her blue eye with the other eye being red, "And a doll of her now as a player." The doll held a drink that was white with a plant on it while the other held a drink that was black with a skull. "She'll pick one and only one will kill the girl even if she gets the wrong doll it'll still be a big enough distraction to steal her weapon. I have a feeling though that the Skull drink and Plant drink won't be take so easily. We don't even know what they do or if they even matter."

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I looked out the window off the tall building, holding everyone's dolls. "Maybe I should go..." I mummbled, and in a muinet, I was right there, inches away from the Tin Pin Slammer, my dolls held close. "Maybe I'll get lucky..." I laughed, holding a dagger behind my back.

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"Don't do it Sayo........" She gave her a plain look before continuing. "Would you really kill a girl who's sister has cancer in her Heart? A girl who calls her sister mommy with no one else to watch her. A girl who saw her sister die thanks to a drunk in a hospital who stabbed me in the heart because I was apparently in his way right then? I really feel bad if you killed me. I'll say you're evil, i'll dub you crazy, but if the reapers go against you i'll help you fight them, i'd make sure you wouldn't die. My sister despite everything was always smiling, with no hair, with scars on her body, with machines hooked up to her twenty-four seven. As soon as i'd walk in she'd smile and ask her sister to things with her. To put makeup on me while trying so desperately not to laugh at what she did. Would you kill someone who had so much to lose? All I want is to get back see her again. See my dear Cassie again and get to take her out of the hospital for the first time in years and........" She was tearing up badly now but she had to continue. "And go finally see he cities again and visit our mothers grave, leaving flowers on her grave, before finally going to get ice cream from the new place?" She wiped her face for a second before looking at her drinks. "I can give life by erasing mine. I'd love to do that for my mother right now. To give my sister someone but can't so I have to survive this game. I have to get back there and hold her again while I can."

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My hands shook as I heard the girls speech. "Look,You may have been through crap, but I was the one hurt in my story. My parents being shot numerous times, my sisters screams as they where killed with an axe, my dogs yelps as they where shot, the sight of your own blood being spilt on the ground as you where wacked in the head with a metal gun, losing your hearing!" I yelled as my arms twisted around, unstill, wanting to kill her now.

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"I saw my mom die in front of me trying to protect me and my sister from my damn Dad! She let herself be killed so the cops could get my dad. She was alive when they got there and we watched her die right there holding her hands. She was innocent and nice unlike our drunk father who killed me. Who tried to kill my sister. I shielded my sister. I wanted to make sure she lived and they let her hold my hand as I died. Talking on her bed just trying to stay alive as long as I could," She was crying so hard but she gave Sayo a pained expression. "I wanted so badly to die before hand but my sister was there. I wanted to kill my bastard of dad but I never did. The first time he had damaged my right eye so badly it turned red and I couldn't see out of it till now. He broke my sisters arms and I saw my blood splatter on him when I tried to pull him off my mother!" She shrieked while looking at Sayo with a fierce expression. "Try walking in the middle between death and life before talking to me about this sorta thing. I never want to die but I want to live. I want to see my sister again Sayo." She pt her head down before turning around. "You're not alone you know. No one is ever alone all it takes is a chance and you find something to help heal the hole of the past."

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I stared at the girl, my face in a rage, my hands having to be forced back, my kuckles white. My hair covered my face as my mouth curled into a smile. "You have done something VERY stupid..." she laughed, looking at her little drinks on the ground. My hand struck the voodoo doll of her slightly, enough for her to wince. I ran over and grabbed the few drinks, kicking the girl down and running very fast to my building, sitting on the roof top, watching the drinks as I held the voodoo doll close.

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'No worry she only grabbed the black ones. The ones of Death that shall give the Life a chance.' She held a green one out before drinking it as she closed her eyes enjoying the taste. "Fine then drink it and come at me Sayo. No one knows what my drinks really are. You grabbed alot of different colors or at least you think so. I know what exactly they are. I know there power and what the drawback is. You think you grabbed something helpful but you can't kill me not as long as I have the chance to see my sister. Let her see her 'Mommy' again before it's to late. Before the damage can't be undone. I pity you for your life but you shouldn't take another because of it." Silently she looked at her before bringing out a doll of Sayo. "I made this just in case. I'd gladly use it if you can't prove me wrong. If you can't prove to me that you can learn to accept and trust others. You do that and i'll stop calling you crazy. Ain't that right little red bird?" She couldn't but call Sayo that as she gave her a gentle smile one she had given many people.

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(sorry guys that I'm late. I hope Solarflare told u o3o)


Someone offered me a hand so I grabbed it and they pulled me up. I looked to meet, "Rhyme?"

She smiled at me and mummbled, "Good Luck.......and sorry we couldn't save you......" She then dashed off.


I then looked aroumd to see EVERYONE GONE! Ah! What am I some kinda dope! Well if Haru were here..... Nevermind! I have to get to the tin pin slammer thingy! And find my partner! OH MOTHER OF CHEESE! Not good! Not good! If I or my parnter die.......then we both die......

RUN! I quickly begin dashing down the streets not giving a care in the world if Reapers or Noise chase me down. Or if people can even see me.....

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I stared at the girl, hearing her words with my right ear. "Sigh~Why should I trust?" I laughed. "Look~ I've been called a witch, demon, etc..." I sighed, standing up and kicking her drinks of the building. "Why would I drink that junk?" I laughed, sitting back down.

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Mmm and he´s gone again.... mmm alright to the next round! i said too cheered up-

Next round- Auron Brand vs Seto Kanh.... 3.. 2.. 1... SLAM ON!! the announcer shouted as the battle begins...

And thats all! winner is Auron Brann - Yeah hehehehe let´s get the next round.

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The Composer sighed and ended the mission. And to think they only had 12 more mintues..... However.... a new plan formed in his wicked brain. More fun..... And all he had to do is wait.....wait for his day 4 to come..... Edited by Lee Loves KH Forever

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"Because everyone can have trust. All they have to do is accept it from the people who are willing to give it. Makes me pity you. It really does....." She trailed off before bringing out her iPhone while scrolling through a few photos before settling on the redbird that she had drawn. "All the bird has to do is land to finally heal you know? After all you can't fly forever little redbird." She looked up watching as the drinks hit the ground only to fade into a black mist while she revealed all of her drinks with her on her belt and in her backpack she wore. "After all this is just a trick of the eyes."

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Well I kept running and called myself a idiot every step I took. HOW THE CHICKEN COULD I DO THIS! But now......woa....I feel tired.....wait is the mission over now? I quickly glance at my hand to see no timer.....I guess the day is done? But.....why.....how.....

I fell asleep.

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I felt sleepy and knew that the composer discided to end the mission, he wasn't having any fun with this game. And woke up on top of a building on Scramble, "I only had one more round...." I thought as I looked at my pins recharging. "Day 4 is it?" I thought aimlessly walking around.

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(This is a rare treat today.)

Just when I got to where the fire was, I felt the urge to sleep again. A little fustrated I think: The day is over again? I didn't get to do anything this time!! Ah man!

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Yeh the final round!- I said as i was preparing myself to the event....and then i get too sleepy.... huh? ... Why?... is the... mission... over?... ...



I woke up again on the Scramble Crossing. Yawnnn.... Now´s Day 4...... i was about to win... sigh... then i looked around me.... looks like Shibuya

doesn´t change.... always the same noise... the same people walking on these streets... maybe i´m better death?.....all right, try to cheer up yourself....

3 More days... 3 more days and without a partner.... sigh...

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-Day 4-

I woke up yo hear my phone ringing. "Ah!" I quickly look at it but before I could read the message my hand burned a timer. "Ow...." I mummble. 2:00

Two hours..... for what? I then turn my focus on my ipod7. It says.....


"Make those who don't have a partner have one. You have two hours. Fail and face death."

- Reapers


I then look to see a link. I tap on it and out comes.....



And you must also listen to this for at least a hour.....


I gave a really big dumfound look. But anways! I have to get those players that need a partner! Maybe Haru could help? But speaking of partners where's mine?



(Ps. LOL CloakedSchemerX LOL xD MWAHAHA!)

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