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What do you think is the darkest Kingdom Hearts Game?

Darkest Game?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Darkest game?

    • Kingdom Hearts
    • Kingdom Hearts Re/Chain of Memories
    • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
    • Kingdom Heart 2
    • Kingdom Hearts Re/Coded
    • Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance
    • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

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I think Chain of Memories is the darkest. Sora forgets pretty much all about himself and leaves his friend due to his anger. Axel kills his friend randomly. Sora and Riku are pretty much stuck in Castle Oblivion, until their main enemy 'plays' with them.


So anyways, what are your opinions? :D

Edited by solantap

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  On 9/1/2012 at 4:41 AM, 'solantap' said:

I think Chain of Memories is the darkest. Sora forgets pretty much all about himself and leaves his friend due to his anger. Axel kills his friend randomly. Sora and Riku are pretty much stuff in Castle Oblivion, until their main enemy 'plays' with them.


So anyways, what are your opinions? :D


You forgot Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

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BBS. I don't think there's any question to that. It has perhaps the most sadistically evil villain of the series (Vanitas)...


Oh, and the three main characters all get screwed over. One gets possessed and doesn't get rescued, one gets his heart broken and falls into a coma that he still hasn't woken up from, and one gets stuck in the realm of darkness and is still stuck there.


Kind of a bummer, guys.

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I'm inclined to say 358 Days. Any joy the game provides in its storyline is only there to add to the eventual pain present as the world falls apart around Roxas.

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BBS all the way i mean friends who try to find each other but instead find themselves getting farther from each other and then their father figure gets struck down, they are forced to fight each other, get manipulated, and then when they finally find each other they meet bad fates that they have not been saved from yet.

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CoM is definitely the darkest in the series. The entire game is a slow descent into oblivion, each step taking the party closer to complete memory loss. A strange group of people, all of which seem to have sadistic tendencies, are attempting to enslave Sora, through manipulating Namine. Axel killing Vexen is one of the more blatant "murder" scenes in the series. Not to mention the crap Replica Riku was put through.


Days is second, as

  On 9/1/2012 at 5:01 AM, 'Dave' said:

Any joy the game provides in its storyline is only there to add to the eventual pain present as the world falls apart around Roxas.


The fact that we knew that Roxas eventually ended up in Digital Traverse Town, Xion was never mentioned, and Axel's story from KHII, only further increased the sense of dread.


I haven't played BbS, but I suppose it was pretty dark. More so the ending than the rest (since the ending is basically "every one died"). But from what I've gathered a good portion of the game was also lighthearted. This is in opposition to CoM and Days, which really had no break in the bleakness (Days less so than CoM).


KHI also had its moments. I mean, Sora did technically kill himself.

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  On 9/1/2012 at 4:45 AM, 'baylaust' said:

BBS for me. The whole game is essentially the game saying "So, do you want to know how everything can possibly go wrong for these characters? Let's show you."


Game slogan might as well be: "In the end, nobody wins." xD

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Hm... time for a more elaborate response I think.

In terms of lighting, KH1 is the darkest KH

In terms of grisly deaths, CoM

In terms of language, DDD

In terms of Sora's intelligence, KH2

In terms of 'if it were a stand alone game' BBS

In terms of opposite day, Re:Coded

In terms of a note on the franchise? Days

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I'd say a mix between Chain of Memories and Birth by Sleep.

In COM there seems to be a load of meaningless killing, Vexen emotion when Axel took him on was heart breaking, as well as Zexions. Simply being killed to try and prove alliance to the traitors or to move up the ranks/cause you know too much is cruel for a game that features disney characters.


However, in birth by sleep all the 3 main characters end in horrific fates (Ventus comatose, Terra possessed, Aqua trapped in darkness) as well as their Master Eraqus dying. They're then left for 10 years at least (beleave its 10 years before BBS and KH1 so I guess it's actually more) before anything towards helping them is made.

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Its between, Birth by sleep and Chain of memories...




Birth By Sleep- Not a happy ending at all and with one boom everything is destroyed, nothing went right in it...i can't say more since it was just dark.. like theres no explanation... it was just plain dark...thats all


Chain of Memories- seriously can you imagine slowly losing your memories as a ton of crazy people are tormenting you, Seriously... Take Larxene for example... The way she starts off making Sora feel like shes actually normal, then just rips it away and makes him feel awful about himself, Then Axel, When he kills Vexen, that is the most... i dont know... it was so dark though, riku killing Lexaus, that was dark... And Marluxias death? Sora killed that guy, and his death was so violent, and gave me goosebumps the way sora was so pissed that, even though hes the nicest person in the series (not including Kairi nor Namine) He walks away with a face showing that he does not give a firetruck! And In a way its not a happy ending... Sora goes to sleep forced to forget namine and everything...... So yeah


OVERALL BBS is darker.. but Chain of memories is definitly up there...

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I have to say Days, Yes, COM and Birth by Sleep were dark, but not THIS dark.


In neither of those games do we have someone not only KILLED, BUT ERASED FROM EXISTENCE, AND FORGOTTEN BY EVERYONE WHO KNEW HER. Yes, in COM Sora forgot characters, but he REMEMBERED them. No-one has remembered Xion thus far. And no other game (IMHO), has had such a heartbreaking story. I hate to admit it, but RAX being torn apart was a lot more painful than watching VAT being torn apart. And don't even get me started on how the game is basically just "Bad stuff happens to Roxas", no other Kingdom Hearts game just give ONE character that much bull****. Poor kid. D': And there's not that many light or happy things in the games, barring the Clocktower scenes, which only make the ending hurt more. 

Edited by D0G3

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Yeah, I'm going with Chain of Memories for reasons already mentioned. The straight-up murders of Vexen and Zexion creep me the hell out, and I still personally find it difficult to reconcile CoM!Axel with all his other depictions (and it really pisses me off whenever someone complains about Axel's character being "pussified" [or whatever other insult] from CoM...)

Edited by Ultima Spark

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