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Rin's fate...(Manga Spoilers)

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So I've been keeping up with the Naruto Manga and the more I see Kakashi fighting with Tobi,


or Obito as it's been lamely revealed(I mean seriously, they had a much better set up if it was Itachi's friend, the one the jumped into the river and killed himself or whatever. Oh well, I"m looking forward to how Kishimoto goes with it in the end.)


and since I absolutely LOVE Kakashi Gaiden, I can't help but wonder what ever happened to Rin? I don't think they ever said. if they did can you give me the chapter number for it, or an episode number(don't worry if it's subbed, I prefer subbed). I would have thought that she would have been further maybe a pivotal character for more Kakashi development. You know, with Obito not being around.


So does anyone know what happened to her? Cause I honestly like her character, she was like Sakura except cool and sort of necessary...


Sakura can go die in a boiling pool of lava while beeing eaten inside-out by maggots


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No one knows what happened I believe. Kishimoto only stated that she was dead.


Aw that sucks


I hope we see something, seeing as the next chapter is most likely just a flashback chapter


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Aw that sucks


I hope we see something, seeing as the next chapter is most likely just a flashback chapter



Hopefully those flashbacks will tell us what the hell happened to him to make him this way.

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Hopefully those flashbacks will tell us what the hell happened to him to make him this way.


Oh yea, it's definitely going to explain what happened to him, but throwing something about Rin in there won't hurt...

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