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4 Things, People.......

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First off.....




{Insert pictures here because I can't find any that won't eclipse the frickin' screen}



No matter who you pick.....someone's getting cut....


Second off.....


Y U NO SHOW SOME LOVE FOR THE DANG-A-LANG MAN?! Seriously, I'm getting a vibe here that no one appreciates a good dang-a-lang anymore.


Third off....(Serious Time)


I know I've been doing a lot of things related to anime here lately, and well, for those who are wondering, YES, I'm still aware that this is a KH site....but really.....we're at a crossroads here in the KH fanbase, aren't we? DDD just came out.....everyone's thinking that FINALLY.....KH3.....will be an actual thing, and we'll all get to (Serious Time over) shove it in n our respective game boxes and enjoy as our we finger our controllers, completely aroused....




Yeah, I don't what I was going for there. Also, GTFO, Takei. :angry:


Fourth off..... (Back to Serious Time)


I may....or may not.....have the desire to post something in the future....and I feel embarrassed about it. Uh.....I'll do it....but you gots to roll with me, because this has to do with Writing....so yeah.

Edited by Firaga96

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1st off


Jin would beat the shit out of Sasuke


2nd off




3rd off


Not really a big deal, a lot of people on the site like anime.


4th off


Go for it. Writing is a lot of fun.


5th off


About your 2nd thing....... What?????

Edited by Ertyx

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2nd off






1. I don't know....Susano's kinda OP, so I dunno how the Devil Gene would handle. Just Saiyan.


2. Dang....A-Lang....Man.






Epic character!


:( (sniffs)....there's just no love....no love for a dang-a-lang....




I was gonna do a whale joke, but never mind.....



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1. I don't know....Susano's kinda OP, so I dunno how the Devil Gene would handle. Just Saiyan.


2. Dang....A-Lang....Man.






Epic character!


:( (sniffs)....there's just no love....no love for a dang-a-lang....




I was gonna do a whale joke, but never mind.....





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Alright, I think I need to explain this in detail, so here I go. (ahem)....


....My repeating of the phrase "Dang-A-Lang"/"Dang-O-Lang"/"Dang-A-Lang Man" is a reference to Piccolo, the DragonBall character, or more spefically, the personality he adpots thanks to a guy named WeeklyTubeShow. You see, WTS, or Remix, is a voice actor [and current member of TeamFourStar] who parodies DragonBall Z as well as other anime. He's best known for his "DragonDub Z" parodies, as they are sometimes referred to. In these collections, the main attraction would be his character of Piccolo, and to an extent, other Namekians. His schtick is that he portrays Piccolo as an arrogant, ego-tistcal and stereotypical African-Amercan man. He also portrays the other Namekians with other stereotypical AA traits. WTS most common tie to his Piccolo character would be his own self-named montra of "The Dang-O-Lang Man", as he calls himself. To make it as clear as I can.....he's firetrucking awesome and you will laugh your ASS off if you see his work.


Okay, THERE. I went Wikipedia for you people. Maybe now you can stop saying "WHAT?!".....or not. I can't get mad anyway, you what happened the last time I got pissed....

Edited by Firaga96

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1. I don't know....Susano's kinda OP, so I dunno how the Devil Gene would handle. Just Saiyan.


2. Dang....A-Lang....Man.






Epic character!


:( (sniffs)....there's just no love....no love for a dang-a-lang....




I was gonna do a whale joke, but never mind.....




This reminds me of a song.......

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