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There should be a Nazi world in Kingdom Hearts.

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I mean seriously, there are many propaganda films that Disney made in WW2. Donald Duck was even a Nazi in one of them!




Some of them range from serious...




...to silly




Look! Realistic and totally not racist depictions of Japanese people! Square Enix would love to put this world in to set the record straight about their country.


All of the KH characters are Aryan anyway, so they would be able to blend right in!


What do you guys think?



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I've been saying this since the start.

There could be a minigame where you make shells, and press triangle at the right times to heil, Sora Donald and Goofy could get Nazi uniforms.

It'd be great

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ik its meant as a joke but no sora really misunderstood (SPOILER) the whole you haven't actually saved rinzelr you just left him to be tortured by clu thing (SPOILER) he wouldnt understand any of the nazi world.....

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