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KH3D Can we have a good reason why? *spoilers*

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She already does have a fairly important role as a princess, but even if you think she is a Sue, this is a perfect opportunity to develop her character well, cause no offense to Kairi or anything, but the damsel in distress role is getting kind of old.


Idk why people are so negative about her starting training, those are generally the same people who say shes a useless character who just sits around all day doing nothing, if thats the problem then its good that she got a keyblade, now her character can actually be put to use besides being a PoH.

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Agreed. Its about time that Kairi stops being a useless damsel in distress character. Kairi is pretty much the worst original character in the series, hopefully this changes that fact. I am fine with her getting a Keyblade, because its not like they are exactly rare anymore*.


*Now that I think about it, every one of the main trios are now completely comprised of Keyblade wielders. Sora/Riku/Kairi, Roxas/Axel/Xion, Ven/Terra/Aqua.

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I LOVE YOU KAIRI, DON'T LISTEN TO THE H8ERS. I can't wait to see her finally shine. cB And I'm curious to see what unique fighting style she'll adopt, it was interesting enough seeing her fighting stance. o3o



you know exactly what i want to say. i love you ._.

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actually I was kinda confused in the coded ending when Yen Sid called Sora and Riku but not Kairi since she could wield the keyblade too


good that now she will be more important than just a princess to rescue, and also a princess of hearts as a keyblade wielder is...interesting to say the least

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You know, the idea to make her a damsel in distress in the first place was likely as a callback to the classic Disney movies (and the stories they were based on, of course). Back then, a lot of the women were portrayed as love interests for the main character who wound up being damsels in distress at some point, despite whether or not they actually did kick some a**. So, now that the "definition" of a woman has changed (both in fiction and in reality), it's the perfect time for Kairi to join the growing number of woman warriors and become strong and independent (instead of just being "eye candy").

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idc if her learning how to use a keyblade can evolve her character from just being a princess off on the side being saved to someone that can defend herself and other then i am all for it

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She never used the Keyblade except during that one scene in KH2. She needs to learn how to use the Keyblade. Riku and Sora have had a few journeys to master the use of the Keyblade. Kairi's training will probably be like Lea's training.

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Don't you just love how everyone hates on her for being so useless (despite how it was established she hated it) and then the second she goes into Keyblade training everyone hates on her for not getting lost on the island somewhere. ¬_¬


Kairi's awesome! Its about time she gets in on the action~ :D She deserves more screen time.


Hypocrites , ya know ? I see this all the time on here .Its like Kairi cant win with that logic . Shes damned if she does anything and damned if she doesnt do anything.

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Apperantly, mostly the entire fanbase is acting up, mainly because Kairi might end up getting a lead role.


Well, can I have a reason why? Why shouldn't she be able to weild a Keyblade? Hasn't she been playing Princess enough as it is?


She may be a Sue sure, but she DID fight the Heartless at TWTNW in KH2, And she did a good job too.


But now that Yen Sid mentioned that it's time for her training to begin, everyone has to go on every topic saying she doesn't deserve the title?


She got the ability to wield a Keyblade by mistakenly touching Aqua's when being attacked by Unversed. She didn't even know she was a Princess of Light, but Aqua could sense her heart being pure light.


Now, to the main topic.


Why? Hasn't she played Princess long enough? Isn't it time for the Sweet little girl to fight back?


Completely agree, i was quite happy to learn she'd undergo "wielding" training like Lea did :D

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I think mainly Axel/Lea fans are a bit pissed, cause the normal ending makes you think he'll have it, and even when the secret endings unlocked which is titled "another guardian of light" they still refuse to believe it.


I want to see Kairi fight. She can be a wee Aqua apprentice.

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I think mainly Axel/Lea fans are a bit pissed, cause the normal ending makes you think he'll have it, and even when the secret endings unlocked which is titled "another guardian of light" they still refuse to believe it.


I want to see Kairi fight. She can be a wee Aqua apprentice.


Not really .. Because until Terra is rescued from MX Lea can take that spot .And if hes not recued till the end then Lea will fill that spot for sure . Obviously I'm a Lea fan and this statement doesnt really apply to all Axel/ Lea fans . If anything ive seen more people complaining bc they dont like all these 'new ' wielders popping up and hate on Lea for this too. ( although Kairi technically isnt THAT new since shes shown in kh2 to have a keyblade )..Furthermore people have been hating on Kairi long before the events of this game .This has nothing to do with Lea fans .

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Not really .. Because until Terra is rescued from MX Lea can take that spot .And if hes not recued till the end then Lea will fill that spot for sure . Obviously I'm a Lea fan and this statement doesnt really apply to all Axel/ Lea fans . If anything ive seen more people complaining bc they dont like all these 'new ' wielders popping up and hate on Lea for this too. ( although Kairi technically isnt THAT new since shes shown in kh2 to have a keyblade )..Furthermore people have been hating on Kairi long before the events of this game .This has nothing to do with Lea fans .


I agree that I think Lea will take Terra's spot til he's saved, and not all Lea fans are hating on Kairi, just the majority of posts i've seen slamming her for being a guardian normally end with "Lea should be a guardian instead"

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I agree that I think Lea will take Terra's spot til he's saved, and not all Lea fans are hating on Kairi, just the majority of posts i've seen slamming her for being a guardian normally end with "Lea should be a guardian instead"


Its because right now hes the 'extra' wielder so they fit him in instead ( although it makes more sense he fits in terras spot for now ) .. Thats not necessarily bc they are Lea fans . That and they dont sense the possibility of the return of Xion and Roxas ( although that doesnt make them lights either just allies ). I've also seen some deny Kairi is a light bc shes a PoH and they don't want to believe she'll be both :P

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Well, the only reason why I don't like Kairi is because she generally hasn't done anything significantly to the plot and has weak character development. but her going into training will prove her worthy of redeeming herself from being a Damsel in Distress into a Butt-kicking princess Leia :P

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Not really .. Because until Terra is rescued from MX Lea can take that spot .And if hes not recued till the end then Lea will fill that spot for sure . Obviously I'm a Lea fan and this statement doesnt really apply to all Axel/ Lea fans . If anything ive seen more people complaining bc they dont like all these 'new ' wielders popping up and hate on Lea for this too. ( although Kairi technically isnt THAT new since shes shown in kh2 to have a keyblade )..Furthermore people have been hating on Kairi long before the events of this game .This has nothing to do with Lea fans .


everything you said, absolutly truth, i don't know why people keep hating on Kairi for no reason, and honestly we don't know if she will be a guardin, sure the secret ending kinda pointed to that but you never know it could just be a nomura twist, and to be fair i don't think Lea will be a temporary guarding just for the fact that when he summoned his keyblade that was the first time, i believe, don't get me wrong it would be cool but i don't see it happening, all we really know for sure is that Sora, Riku and Mickey are the only ones so far, i am not counting Terra, Ven, and Aqua just for the fact that they technicaly can't do anything, untill they are saved then i will count them as guardins, but i don't know what the time skip will be between Dream Drop Distance and 3 but hopefully not that big I would like to know everything that has happend between that, and it also depends on how far Kairi and Lea get on their training if I will consider them guardins.

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everything you said, absolutly truth, i don't know why people keep hating on Kairi for no reason, and honestly we don't know if she will be a guardin, sure the secret ending kinda pointed to that but you never know it could just be a nomura twist, and to be fair i don't think Lea will be a temporary guarding just for the fact that when he summoned his keyblade that was the first time, i believe, don't get me wrong it would be cool but i don't see it happening, all we really know for sure is that Sora, Riku and Mickey are the only ones so far, i am not counting Terra, Ven, and Aqua just for the fact that they technicaly can't do anything, untill they are saved then i will count them as guardins, but i don't know what the time skip will be between Dream Drop Distance and 3 but hopefully not that big I would like to know everything that has happend between that, and it also depends on how far Kairi and Lea get on their training if I will consider them guardins.



Lea just getting his keyblade doesnt rule him out since MX said the lights will be picked naturally meaning if one is gone another will be chosen as a replacement .Also I do agree that actually no one can say for sure who the 7 lights will end up being . Even Nomura said they won't be who we think they will be .( that we will be surprised ).

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