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where do you come from?

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^ yup. i mean like, country/state or origin. (australian [cough. uncough], mexican [COUGH UNCOUGH], american/USA-an [COUGH COUGH UNCOUGH--/shot] etc.)


you guys prolly know already but i'm mexican :D (no, i'm not dark-skinned with a thick spanish accent that eats tortillas every damn day. okay well maybe the third option is kinda true). though i was born here in texas, usa, my life is like 80% mexican because of the daily things i do. P:


so what about you guys? i sort of know about where 1/4 of you guys are from xD


discuss. (':

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Woop, another mexican! xD I'm mexican too and I live in texas. I think my mother might be asian O.o not sure

but I'm one of those tortilla eating mexicans xD haha

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WHHAAY BACK WHEN... oh wait. We're talking like born/raised? Well shoot, I was about to name the -insertnumberhere- of known euro countries my family's from. XDD


I'm Born/Raised Texan.

>.> I guess American, but Texas was a country once wayy back when, so. lmfao. /shot


I'd rather be known as Texan than American for some reason. owo; Nehh. idk, state pride maybe? XDD..


Remember the Alamo. D8<

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i live in michigan of the states tho, if you caree. xD


i just cried so much from laughter. lolololololol. ilu so much XDDDD


I'm from Louisiana, so yeah, I'm southern ^^


W00T! The Saints won the Superbowl for the first time...EVAR! :DDDDD


i've passed by lousiana a couple of times when i go to florida :DD i might've bumped into you 8D/shot


Woop, another mexican! xD I'm mexican too and I live in texas. I think my mother might be asian O.o not sure

but I'm one of those tortilla eating mexicans xD haha


XDDD high-five 8D i'm like, pretty much mexican-screwed from both sides of my family XDD i can name off all of my family members and say they're from mexico XDD

tortillas are like my daily drug 8D


WHHAAY BACK WHEN... oh wait. We're talking like born/raised? Well shoot, I was about to name the -insertnumberhere- of known euro countries my family's from. XDD


I'm Born/Raised Texan.

>.> I guess American, but Texas was a country once wayy back when, so. lmfao. /shot


I'd rather be known as Texan than American for some reason. owo; Nehh. idk, state pride maybe? XDD..


Remember the Alamo. D8<


XDDD i have no idea where half of the rest of my family come from except from mexico...xD/shot


xDD i guess i could say the same thing. though people stare at me weird when i tell them i'm from texas.../shot


XDD i've gone there and it's not that big of a deal-- /shot didn't they, like, lose D<?/shot. this comes to show how much i love my state


Texas is my home state but I am Mexican!

No me gusta practicar espanol!

(is too lazy to accent the n)


amen. a mi tampoco. me da flojera. D:/shot


xDD /show off

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Remember the Alamo. D8<


XDD i've gone there and it's not that big of a deal-- /shot didn't they, like, lose D<?/shot. this comes to show how much i love my state


Ohh. I've been there too. I also went to the set where they filmed the movie. <33


They lost, but the number of casualties was far greater on Santa Ana's side, (i forgot how to spell his name... /shot) and it got the Texan spirit up to a high and they were able to deffeat his army at San Jacinto and thus Texas became a country by cheating and attacking during Santa Ana's siesta! >8D --- until it merged with the United States. owo;; <--- History Nerrrd.





And yeah. lmfao. when I went to Oklahoma ( the only out-of-state place I've been to ) and they ask where I'm from they give me a dirty look.... >.>; Maybe since we're rival states in college sports..... or something. owo;

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go brittania!

brittania all the way!

britain, never never never

blah.... um.... never never never never...


lol, does anyone know the last line of that?

so as you can guess, i'm english


and like jeny says for herself, i actually have pie or pastie and chips, i don't really like fish :P

also i'm not keen on tea (although i looooooove mint tea).

to be honest, i'd take a heap of fajita's anyday (mexican is my favourite type of food)


now, a while ago i had to research my roots for homework, so heres parts of where i come from:

a few generations back my mum's side was scandinavian (norwiegen), which explains my blonde hair.

hundreds of years back there was a hint of russian in our family

my uncle's grand-parents were lithuanian, but they aren't blood relatives

but i'm something like 90% english still

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Oh yea Jeny! Mexicans Rule! xD


I was born up in the springs..Colorado to be exact, darn Snow. Now I'm in Arizona, thank Jesus!

Well I'm mostly Mexican. A little British and a little Italian. Got the Italian from my Mom's great Grandpa on my Nani's side. I totally forgot where I got the British from. But mostly my WHOLE family(and when I said WHOLE family I mean it) are Mexican. I LOVE ANYTHING SPICEY!! <3


I was cheering for the Colts cause the Saints kicked our team's butt.. D:

But the Colts lost..Oh well I'm not a huge fan of football tho. lol

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i've passed by lousiana a couple of times when i go to florida :DD i might've bumped into you 8D/shot


O.o wow, that would be like totally weird if we did! But it would be cool to! lol, but idk, it all depends one which cities u passed through, and I'm not about to say what city i live in on the internet... That's like an "internet DO NOT!" lol


Ha ha. Anyway off topic there Kairi and Boo Colts should have won.


pfft! The Colts won a Superbowl...some time ago...idk when.

The Saints NEVAR won, so yeah, i think we deserved it! lolXD

...wait...it's Kaiso from Texas?! uh-oh... it seem that everyone is from Texas! eeeep! *runs from Colts fans*

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Ohh. I've been there too. I also went to the set where they filmed the movie. <33


They lost, but the number of casualties was far greater on Santa Ana's side, (i forgot how to spell his name... /shot) and it got the Texan spirit up to a high and they were able to deffeat his army at San Jacinto and thus Texas became a country by cheating and attacking during Santa Ana's siesta! >8D --- until it merged with the United States. owo;; <--- History Nerrrd.





And yeah. lmfao. when I went to Oklahoma ( the only out-of-state place I've been to ) and they ask where I'm from they give me a dirty look.... >.>; Maybe since we're rival states in college sports..... or something. owo;


i had to learn about texas history so effin much last year ;A; like srsly. i had to even watch the damn alamo movie. i didn't like dennis quaid as sam houston D


XDDD ohh ohh i've been to san jac too. my brother goes to college there (like right beside the are. they even set up every year a "mock" battle rofl). /shot




xDD when me and my family cross the border to pass to mexico, we tell the border patrol we're from texas and they're like "texas?? wow". i can imagine them glaring at us after we leave :B/shot


oh snap. you live like on the other part of the worldddd. that's so awesome :3


go brittania!

brittania all the way!

britain, never never never

blah.... um.... never never never never...


lol, does anyone know the last line of that?

so as you can guess, i'm english


and like jeny says for herself, i actually have pie or pastie and chips, i don't really like fish :P

also i'm not keen on tea (although i looooooove mint tea).

to be honest, i'd take a heap of fajita's anyday (mexican is my favourite type of food)


now, a while ago i had to research my roots for homework, so heres parts of where i come from:

a few generations back my mum's side was scandinavian (norwiegen), which explains my blonde hair.

hundreds of years back there was a hint of russian in our family

my uncle's grand-parents were lithuanian, but they aren't blood relatives

but i'm something like 90% english still


XDDDD amen. although i am in love with mexican food, i'd eat chinese or pizza everyday if i could xD....

...though i do love jalapenos. /shot


Australia (: HAHAHHAHA woo.

come visit me .. ;o


you aussies and your pride D

don't worry! once we turn 18, we'll meet each other one day and we'll torture our ex's like we said we would DxD


I come from my mom .. O_o



i also came from my mother.

what a coincidence, huh?


Oh yea Jeny! Mexicans Rule! xD


I was born up in the springs..Colorado to be exact, darn Snow. Now I'm in Arizona, thank Jesus!

Well I'm mostly Mexican. A little British and a little Italian. Got the Italian from my Mom's great Grandpa on my Nani's side. I totally forgot where I got the British from. But mostly my WHOLE family(and when I said WHOLE family I mean it) are Mexican. I LOVE ANYTHING SPICEY!! <3


I was cheering for the Colts cause the Saints kicked our team's butt.. D:

But the Colts lost..Oh well I'm not a huge fan of football tho. lol


XDDD like i said, i've tried looking up where both of my families come from up to like my great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents and they all come from mexico. what makes it even more sad is that they come from the same city too lol.


O.o wow, that would be like totally weird if we did! But it would be cool to! lol, but idk, it all depends one which cities u passed through, and I'm not about to say what city i live in on the internet... That's like an "internet DO NOT!" lol



Ha ha. Anyway off topic there Kairi and Boo Colts should have won.


pfft! The Colts won a Superbowl...some time ago...idk when.

The Saints NEVAR won, so yeah, i think we deserved it! lolXD

...wait...it's Kaiso from Texas?! uh-oh... it seem that everyone is from Texas! eeeep! *runs from Colts fans*


XDDD don't worry, i haven't like stayed there for days. i only passed there like twice when i went to florida P: XDD


oh schnap yeah D< all of us texans are gonna meet up and like torture all Colts fans D<<




the saints might've never won but they tried very hard this year :'D


...or maybe they just got lucky D:



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Hello everyone...I'm Sorage55 and...and...I'm born and raised in the States T_T. For my heritage though (in which I enjoy researching about) i'm part Cherokee Indian on my mother's side, part english on her side as well as my father's, i'm part Scottish on mommy's side as well as my family's possibly greatest history for us being part Saxon...why is that great? Because we were once royalty around the 16oo's but we were overthrown at about 1616 (the year shakespeare died T_T) and never regained power, so now were poor T_T. I'm guessing my mother's side is also pretty country coyboy western heritage as well, my father was adopted as a child so we don't know much of his heritage...but recently we had found out his heritage is of an anonymoys american indian tribe. Oh...and i'm part German...I belive thats it...-_-

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I live in the most USA places of all time.



yeah my pap who died is from germany, my grandma, my pap's wife is irish. she dided too

my grandmother who is alive is irish

and my grandfather is german too





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