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Why gay marriage should be legal.

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Reason why I've been told why it shouldn't be allowed: People will start marrying animals and shit. (Not like anybodies married a DS...oh wai-)


It's all bullshit and I really don't find anything wrong with it myself. Also just because, I'm not saying this because I'm gay, I've had this opinion for a long time. :D

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W-w-w-w-wait. Gay marriage is (currently) illegal?


In some states, yes I believe. But one of the people running for president this year {in the US} has goals on making gay marriage illegal in all states.

I just heard this from one of my friends, but if this isn't true then what I said is just a opinion on the subject.

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Because honestly, who gives a firetruck.

A person's choice of who they want to live with for the rest of your life shouldn't have to deal with you. It's not your choice so don't be a firetrucking dick about it.

If you're homophobic, or you just don't like the idea of gay marriage then ok. Kudos to you. You don't have to ruin other people's lives because you are firetrucking messed up in the firetrucking brain.

I'm not going bashing about people who don't like homosexual people either. If you don't like, don't look.

If you do not want to hear anything about religion, just skip everything in maroon.

And with this whole firetrucking bullshit about how all gay people are going to hell, well thats firetrucking load of shit.

Firstly, in Chirstian religion, God made you the way he did. So pretty much, you are homosexual because he made you like that {or born like that even though you may not have been born gay, it was a fated destiny either way}.

Secondly even though homosexuality is listed as a sin {some people have proof that it's not in fact listed as a sin but I don't know much about that argument} that doesn't mean all gay people are going to hell. So lisen to this:

Uhhh, derp herp everyone in the world sins. So if that was true, we all would be going to hell.

Also, the Bible is a book that has been written a very, very long time ago. So obviously things have changed since the time it was written. Me, as a Christian I have no problem if you are homosexual. Actually, most of my good friends are homosexual and I don't tell them it's wrong or anything. I actually am happy for them.


Now back to other matters. I know people who used to be the best of friends and now they hate each other because one is homosexual, which is really firetrucking stupid.

Just be nice and kind to each other. It's not that firetrucking hard.

Also, some people {not all but most} who are homophobic I need to say this:

The word homophobic is a stupid firetrucking word.

It isn't a phobia.

It just means that you're an asshole.

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Because honestly, who gives a firetruck.

A person's choice of who they want to live with for the rest of your life shouldn't have to deal with you. It's not your choice so don't be a firetrucking dick about it.

If you're homophobic, or you just don't like the idea of gay marriage then ok. Kudos to you. You don't have to ruin other people's lives because you are firetrucking messed up in the firetrucking brain.

I'm not going bashing about people who don't like homosexual people either. If you don't like, don't look.

If you do not want to hear anything about religion, just skip everything in maroon.

And with this whole firetrucking bullshit about how all gay people are going to hell, well thats firetrucking load of shit.

Firstly, in Chirstian religion, God made you the way he did. So pretty much, you are homosexual because he made you like that {or born like that even though you may not have been born gay, it was a fated destiny either way}.

Secondly even though homosexuality is listed as a sin {some people have proof that it's not in fact listed as a sin but I don't know much about that argument} that doesn't mean all gay people are going to hell. So lisen to this:

Uhhh, derp herp everyone in the world sins. So if that was true, we all would be going to hell.

Also, the Bible is a book that has been written a very, very long time ago. So obviously things have changed since the time it was written. Me, as a Christian I have no problem if you are homosexual. Actually, most of my good friends are homosexual and I don't tell them it's wrong or anything. I actually am happy for them.


Now back to other matters. I know people who used to be the best of friends and now they hate each other because one is homosexual, which is really firetrucking stupid.

Just be nice and kind to each other. It's not that firetrucking hard.

Also, some people {not all but most} who are homophobic I need to say this:

The word homophobic is a stupid firetrucking word.

It isn't a phobia.

It just means that you're an asshole.

Posted Image


Couldn't have put it any better myself :] since after all love appears in all kinds of manners rather then just the ordinary manner that it usually does be it for both good and/or bad and if both anyone and/or everyone else has a problem with how a person loves another person in the manner that they do then please allow me to say just this ahem: DEAL WITH IT since you all don't have the right to decide who loves who be it both friends and/or families for in the end that may very well prove that you don't have anything better to do except criticise others and that you should focus on your very own personal matters instead and if you think that i am trying to pick a fight with you all then maybe your right or then again maybe your wrong since it's all your very own opinions if you think i am or not but hey i am okay with that since at least you are being honest to both me and/or yourselves and that's good when you think about it since that leaves you with a way to personal growth somehow i think but anyways going back to the subject at hand i still think that homosexual love is good like any other type of love and that the world shouldn't shunned it for both what it is and/or what it should be depending on how others want to view it and as long as nothing bad happens from it.

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That gay pride thing from Oreos was a nightmare..It's just a cookie with rainbow colored icing, yet people think that it's cancer or something. Seriously. Except my parents are not okay with gay marriage at all (Filipino and Chinese parents, nuff said). My dad says that if gay people marry, then opposite genders won't marry any more and the world will be full of gay people. Seriously? Um, people are born gay. You can't just say something and -poof- you're gay. It doesn't work that way. My mom gets mad at me for watching Pretty Little Liars because the lesbian scenes. She made me stop watching it for a while, afraid that I would turn gay. Dafuq. Homosexuality is a sin? Haha. That would pretty much mean that love is a sin.


My parents -.-'


-edit- so I went off topic. But here's my opinion. Let gay people marry. Homophobics will probably get over it (probably not but who knows).

Edited by solantap

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It's nice when the straight people put this up :) makes me feel like we're not alone in our battle for equality :)


An yes the republican candidate for the presidency would like to constitutionally ban gay marriage, as well as raise taxes on the poor while giving the rich more tax breaks, and outlaw abortion even in the cases of rape, which that last one for me is a womans choice I am a man and have no right what to tell her to do with her body.


How can we alter the document which stood for freedom and equality for everyone take away the rights of others? Especially from a religious standpoint when we are supposed to have a separation of church and state?

And how hypocritical is it to follow one supposed rule (although with multiple transslations it's hard go determine if this was the case) but not follow the rest of the rules in the bible?

If we followed those rules more than half the women in this country would be dead wanna know why? In the bible if you married and your wife was not a virgin, you killed her, then you could marry her sisters...not just sister sisters!!! WTF! How messed up is that?



Just examples of the hypocrisy of this nation....


Ok I'm off my soap box now :P

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It's nice when the straight people put this up :) makes me feel like we're not alone in our battle for equality :)


I couldn't agree more. I had a friend who came out to me a while back. Didn't faze me in the least. Still the same person, just a different sexual preference. And that's really no big deal. :)

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Gay marriage should be legal because something like love shouldn't be withheld by law.

Politicians shouldn't be able to decide if one can marry another of the same sex.

It should be the said people deciding if they should get married.


Its all a load of PHAHOEY!!!


Politicians decisions are influenced by their personal opinions. The systems movement is structured by the people with in it and their opinions. We need unoppinionated robots to be world leaders.


For example:

And the love kickstarts again.


In Australia the Prime Minister won't allow the legallisation of gay marriage!

But look out everyone here comes the curve ball.

She "personally" doesn't believe in gay marriage.

She "personally" doesn't believe in any marriage at all.

Her and her partner are together but not married and "[they] never will"

Is someone leading our country involving her personal opinions to control other peoples lives?!

That is absolute bullshit!!!!!

Also she won't dedicate herself to her relationship through marriage so how can we trust her to dedicate herself to Australia and to the people?!

I know I got a bit off topic, sorry =(


In some states, yes I believe. But one of the people running for president this year {in the US} has goals on making gay marriage illegal in all states.

I just heard this from one of my friends, but if this isn't true then what I said is just a opinion on the subject.


That person better not become president!!!

The US needs a president who will legalise it in all states.

I would love them forever


Because honestly, who gives a firetruck.


You are a wonderful(!) person.

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If you're homophobic... you are firetrucking messed up in the firetrucking brain.

I'm not going bashing about people who don't like homosexual people either


Either? Because you didn't just bash the homophobes just now...I really doubt "either" is the word you should use.

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As a Christian, I couldn't care less if it were legal or not, I accept people for who they are, it doesn't bother me. However, I am worried that people will push it until eventually we'll be able to marry animals, family members, and other crap.

Edited by blinxhero

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It should be legal I mean sure everyone has their rights to vote and stuff but allowing people to vote against the freedom of one to be with someone they love pftt How would they like it if their rights of marriage were taken away?

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