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KH3D Things that KH3 should have! (Re-Uploaded)

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I'm a great fan of the Kingdom Hearts series...specially because it has Disney stuff...somethign that I know and watch since I was a baby.

Even tough I hate the new Disney Channel... I still love Walt Disney's creations and the old movies, books and comics.


In the next KH chapter... there's a film/world that should be in! You know... ATLANTIS: The Lost Empire(2001(http://en.wikipedia....The_Lost_Empire).


It's really a great movie! One of my favs.

There's a creature called the Levianthan. )

It's a mystical creature that guards the gates to Atlantis. I'm sure that would make an excellent boss for Sora, Riku and friends....like Kairi, the Spirits, Donald and Goofy --- I hope.

Another possible boss would be Captain Rourke--- the bad guy of the full movie.

I know it would be a hard job to make that world because it has alot of water and the place is just amazing... But Disney already made a game of ALANTIS...and Square could use soem help of it, right?


About the keyblades... i was hoping to see an Ultima Weapon again...and better Keyblades... Until now all KH had always ugly keyblades and on Kh3D...only Kigdom Key, Road to Dawn and Ultima are the best... I kinda like the END OF PAIN but I never got it.


Me and many fans would also love to have Donald and Goofy to be the partners of the main character. Mickey could be of Riku alongside with someone? I dunno...maybe (SPOILER)Kairi...?


And I REALLY want that KH3 is for PS3!!!! I don't want it for Wii.... PS1(lol)...os Vita.. I can't buy more consoles to play the games... -.-

I had to buy an 3DS of purpose! It costed me alot... almsot 200 euros and i Had to begg for it, and for my parents to buy it... they had to cancel my trip to Spain... o.o


I also would love to get Alladin, Halloween Town, Pirates of the Caribean, Deep Jungle(what it would never happen, because the creator of the movie doesn't care about KH series), Tron(I wanna know what happened to Tron! Darn it, Disney! Hurry making Tron 3!) and others...

Traverse Town, Twilight Town and Hollow Bastion should be back. i miss those worlds too...


Thanks for your time...and sorry for my grammar mistakes... English is my second language and I'm still working on it. :3


Note: If you want a detailed Viathan...here it is:



Also check this out, the msot epic part of the movie:


Edited by Marcomax

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I would also love to see the Radiant Garden. Mostly becasue I wanna know if the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee have already restored most of it. (They better have done it ) I want it to look a bit like how it was in BBS except with more areas to travel around :D

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All i want are drive forms (or command forms), Donald and Goofy in my party with better AI so they don't die at the beginning of every boss battle, shotlocks but less OP, and Sora to be the only playable character. I don't mind playing as multiple characters, it's just that I'd prefer the KH3 to focus on Sora. Oh also no command deck. I mean it's nice and all but the combos in KH2 were just so satisfying to pull off IMO. When it comes to world, all I want is a Toy Story 3 world. Fighting Lotso to The Encounter would be awesome. Any other worlds are fine, I just want that specific one.

Edited by mikethegamer

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Drives! I loved them, and i want to see them again. Also a better Gummi garage, muliplayer (Maybe with Gummi ships?) And Sora as not so damn happy all the time, or atleast more Riku in the story. Maybe a few more FF chraacters (Tidus, Kefka?, Kuha) It would make the game awesome.

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The main (new) world I want is Princess and The Frog (as mentioned before) it's an epic movie with evil and good voodoo, Sora (or Aqua if she's rescued) could learn not all darkness (voodoo) is bad.

I completely forgot about (whatever it's name was. The giant lobster from atlantis) I think he/she? would be an epic boss to battle.


I hope it's on the PS3 as well xD and if it is, they could easily do underwater scenes and make them stunning.


I want a tag team sort of party. Like, there's going to be 7 guardians, it would be pretty neat to be able to swap your main character out and make the best of each individuals abilities.


I want new keyblade for Kairi o.o all she's associated with is Destiny's Embrace, they could make one called Radiant Princess, or one based on Namine called White Witch. She needs more variety.


I completely forgot about them but having watching videos recently I really miss drives. I would love drives, the command deck,summons, shot-locks...everything xD

Only thing I think won't be included for defo is flow-motion. It made finding stuff really easy and the game less of a challenge whereas before people would have to wait til later in the game for certain abilities then go back and search the world, making the game last longer.


Speaking of that I hope we get better things in treasure chests. All I get is potions and recipes I didn't even use half the time.


Other worlds I want to see are Radiant Garden, Twilight Town, Destiny Island, Lilo and Stitch (Hawaii, not space), Black Cauldron and although it'll never happen i'd love to see an Anastasia based world xD

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