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Is our age difference too great?

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Imo due to the fact the "5 year gap" should depend on how old you are. Why? Because 13 year olds cant get married, so you guys should wait till whatever time your ready. c: I hope you guys figure this out before moving on with your life. I think you should wait till 16, age doesn't effect your sheer love for this girl. Of course you guys cant get married, but you can still love her with all your heart. Marriage wont stop that, do what you want to if you love her that much and she's that close.


As for the ongoing conversation, guys as much as your opinion is given, just lay low for a while. It seems you guys are ganging up a bit on her, you weren't before but some sentences sound a little bit rude.

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And you should probably lay off of Genn, guys. Maybe you weren't ganging up on the guy, but it definitely seems like you're ganging up on her right now, and that's no better. Let's end this before it starts to get out of hand.


No one is ganging up on her we are just disagreeing with her. She asked a question and we responded with an answer. Like I told disagreeing with what one says does equivilate ganging up on someone. Are we supposed to only respond to a post if we agree with what they say. Also the conversation is no where near out of control every here is merely addressing the questions that were asked of us.

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