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Is our age difference too great?

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I am in love with this girl, and we have been in love for awhile. We plan to get married in a few years.


The problem? I'm 18, She's 13.


Is our age difference too great?

Edited by Oniaku

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At this point in your life ? Yes .Its too much of an age gap in this age group when even a few years difference means lightyears in maturity and emotional developement . Not to mention the expectations of one another could drastically differ in such an age gap. Also I should add the ramifications of you being legally an adult and her a minor .This could lead to trouble .

Edited by Flaming Lea

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yea thats way to big of a age gap...for now at least wait for her to mature alittle cuz most girls dont plan on getting married a few years later when their just 13

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5 years may or may not be much of a difference, depending on age range. Like this: 13 to 18 sounds like a big difference, but 21 and 26 doesn't sound bad at all. You should wait until she's at least 18, any younger than that is a bit too much. Good luck! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png

Edited by LightningXIII

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At this point in your life ? Yes .Its too much of an age gap in this age group when even a few years difference means lightyears in maturity and emotional developement . Not to mention the expectations of one another could drastically differ in such an age gap. Also I should add the ramifications of you being legally an adult and her a minor .This could lead to trouble .


The legal thing only applies if your having sex. I already looked into it to make sure. I know not at this point, why do you think we are waiting?



yea thats way to big of a age gap...for now at least wait for her to mature alittle cuz most girls dont plan on getting married a few years later when their just 13


A few is like 5-8 or more



5 years may or may not be much of a difference, depending on age range. Like this: 13 to 18 sounds like a big difference, but 21 and 26 doesn't sound bad at all. You should wait until she's at least 18, any younger than that is a bit too much. Good luck! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


Lol, see, that's why we are waiting.

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Yeah, a relationship right now is bound to problems. As much as it seems difficult for you to wait, you both should be patient. If everything's still fine when you are both a bit older, then go for it.

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Yeah, a relationship right now is bound to problems. As much as it seems difficult for you to wait, you both should be patient. If everything's still fine when you are both a bit older, then go for it.


Thank you, thats what I'm saying that people seem to be missing. We are waiting!

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The legal thing only applies if your having sex. I already looked into it to make sure. I know not at this point, why do you think we are waiting?





A few is like 5-8 or more





Lol, see, that's why we are waiting.



I think you missed the fact that even if you are waiting to get married this could be a problem with her parents . What do they think ? Five years isnt a bigger deal later on in life , but at this point in your life its huge .What you may need /expect from each other even emotionally can be drastically different .If you are waiting , why are you even asking us this ? Are you in a current relationship or not ?

Edited by Flaming Lea

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um..yes. Obviously it's not only a big age gap, but there's also a big maturity gap. Like, dude, she's 18 >_>


He's 18 and she's 13.


Also, I've been in a couple situations like yours in the past, though they were all online relationships. None of them ever lasted because of the difference in maturity. 13 years old is too young to be thinking about marrige or any kind of serious commitment. Girls at that age are too impressionable and will try to grow up too fast for you, because they think you're 'the one' even though they haven't developed enough to really know what they want.


Just look at the Family Guy episodes where Meg falls in love with Brian, and later Joe. Yeah, it's a bit extreme as well as a comedy, but similar things can happen, maybe not as extreme as the show has, but it's not good. I think you should give her some time, let her date other people and find out what she really wants, then when she's 18, see if she's still into you.

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Dude that's waaaaaaay to young to get married. Especially her. She's too young to make that kind if decision and it would be taking advantage of her immaturity if you got her to marry you. Also its kinda illegal if ya know what I mean.

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Dude that's waaaaaaay to young to get married. Especially her. She's too young to make that kind if decision and it would be taking advantage of her immaturity if you got her to marry you. Also its kinda illegal if ya know what I mean.


They said they were planning on getting married in the FUTURE. And if they are, then their love must be really strong. If he's not forcing her to do anything, I don't see what the problem is.

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if you take it from me, live your life for yourself, cause when its all said an done, you dont need anyone else.


I lived my life for myself for too long. I'd rather not go back to that.

They said they were planning on getting married in the FUTURE. And if they are, then their love must be really strong. If he's not forcing her to do anything, I don't see what the problem is.


^ Thanks :D

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No, zhe was abused when she was younger, I would never think of doing the same thing to her,


Good. But still man, five years. Couldn't you have looked for someone around you're age? She's barely beginning her teen years.

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