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noun : The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.



The Renewers~

Time is important.

Time is your friend. It shall never end.

We are angels. You were born into time. Time makes the world go round.

If the time dies, then you shall die. Time takes

no appearance. Yet it does. Time is everywhere. You must help time.

The task is simple. Stop the your worst enemies. Who are they? The Enders. Who are the enders?

The worst type of people you can meet.

They were born into CHAOS.They are hunting for you. Want to know how to

stop them? Make a time portal. Enter it. Go to their headquarters at that time.

Destroy their headquarters

Why are they the enemy? They are hunting for you. They want you dead. They

]will start the end of time. And they won't rest until they find you.[/font]


Make one wish for a power. Any type of power. Except for immortality.

And you can not wish that the Enders will stop. The one who grants

the wishes is a neutral being.

Wishes range to be a magician, to fly, to be strong. But only one wish.

Be careful what you wish for.


The Enders~

Time is important.

Time is your enemy. It shall end.

We are demons. We fight against time. Time takes no appearance.

Yet it does. Time is everywhere. Why is time your enemy? Time

​makes things possible. It make things happen. It creates happiness.

Our enemies were born into time. We were born into Chaos.

We have traveled back in time and created headquarters

and fortresses dedicated to our attack.

But we must defend our fortresses from the Renewers. They will

try to destroy our fortresses. Our hard work. Your task? Stop them.

We must stop time. How? We must destroy the world. We must hunt.

We must kill the renegers. Be hostile. Have no mercy. Destroy them. And

destroy time.



Read other people's posts. I don't want any sidetracking.


Type in, "Time is important" at the end of your application

^-to know that you read the rules.

No godmodding.

Keep it PG-13.

More than four sentances. Please.



Character Application Sheet. :

Name ~

Gender ~

Personality ~

Bio ~

Race ~

Wish ~

Apperance ~ (pictures ARE allowed)

Age ~

Weapons (or way of fighting) ~



Sorry if this seems bad :c I haven't created an RP post in sometime now :P I'll post my sheet later.

Edited by solantap

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A little confusion, but I'll soldier on. Let's take a spin.


Name ~ Anna Kin

Gender ~ Female

Age ~ 21

Race ~ Renewer

Personality ~ Anna's typically kind and even worried about others, but she's quick to take offense, often feeling attacked by harmless words. She has been known to push to outbursts in extreme cases, but she usually breaks down in tears before that can happen.

Bio ~ Anna will tell you that she was an orphan, abused by everyone around her. That every day of her childhood was a living hell. But she's a liar. In fact, no one's quite sure what happened to Anna, as she tells a different story almost every time. However, it's nothing malicious or deceptive. In fact, she barely seems aware of it. But even through her haze and confusion, she sees The Enders as a force that needs to be stopped.

Wish ~ Telekinesis

Apperance ~

Posted Image

Couldn't find one I really liked, but I guess this'll do.

Weapons (or way of fighting) ~ Her powers, combined with anything small she can get her hands on. Anna doesn't carry weapons.


"Time is important..."

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Name: Bruce Lee

Gender: Male

Personality: A wise & calm martial artist from real life.

Bio: A wise & calm martial artist who usuallly practices martial arts in his spare time. He's also quite the dancer. He's been in many movies, like The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, Way of the Dragon, Enter the Dragon, & Game of Death, for example. Also, he invented his own fighting style.

Race: Chinese-American

Appearance:Posted Image

Age: 72

Weapon: Posted Image

Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do

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Solantap your RP idea is making me want to join O _ O (I just realized that's sorta weird...)


Character Application Sheet. :

Name ~ Kumiko Tsubasa (Kumi)

Gender ~ Female

Personality ~ Kumi is an odd girl. She doesn't get along with people easily and never trust anyone. She fallows the rules Don't feel anything, Don't expect anything, Don't trust anyone and Don't blend in with other people.

Bio ~ Kumiko has an odd obsession with panda's...that's why she is never accepted. She gets mad easily that results in a bad effect. Kumi's parents died and that's pretty much all everyone knows. Both of her parents where murdered when she was at one of her only friends parties.

Race ~ Renewer

Wish ~ ability to be a psychic

Apperance ~ http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/images/2285/Chinamu_Ooki.jpg

Age ~ 17, short for her age.

Weapons (or way of fighting) ~ https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBA3nqVobKRRe1ikxWBMGTaGIWbnh7esdnN-7m5UJOvJIs2P5K_w


"Time is important..."

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Everyone is accepted except for Nweintraub. @Nwein, you can Bruce Lee and everything, but is he an Ender or a Renewer? And also, read third rule. Then you'll be accepted ^-^


Character Application Sheet. :

Name ~ Jan Saechao

Gender ~ Male

Personality ~ Jan is cruel to people. He doesn't trust anyone, and he doesn't show any mercy. He falls for traps easily, however. And he holds huge grudges. Jan finds himself hard to forgive people.

Bio ~ Jan was born to fight. His parents were Enders. They were demons who gave birth to Jan. They taught Jan to be evil, and that time was a terrible thing. Jan grew up, thinking that time was a monster. They taught Jan that light is his enemy. To fight light is to live.

Race ~ Ender

Wish ~ to have lightning fast spped.

Apperance ~ (pictures ARE allowed) my prof. pic.

Age ~ 15

Weapons (or way of fighting) ~ Tekagi-shuko (http://www.gophoto.it/view.php?i=http://www.fudoshindojo.hu/content/fegyverek/kepek/shuko01.jpg)


I need at least 3 more characters, at least two of them Enders. Thanks c:

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I'm back u fools! Hehe only kidding, lol ^—^ Well anyways I want to join but i'll sign up tomorrow. But I have a question. Is it ok to have 3 characters?


suree haha

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Name ~ Kira Mara/ Hangman

Gender ~ Male

Personality ~ Extremely childish, Kira behaves similar to a typical four-six year old despite being eighteen years of age. He typically spins around and says random things in a sad attempt to distract people; although these things actually do tend to have real meanings that are very meaning and helpful. Kira is also a masochist; he intentionally allows himself to get hurt and wounded in order to get a sense of enjoyment/happiness. At times, Kira's personality drastically changes, resulting in his nickname "Hangman". As the Hangman he is noticeably more mature, behaving calmly and speaking in full, relevant sentences. A downside to the Hangman persona is its sadistic nature, causing him to kill in very painful, slow ways that can be time-consuming. Both personas can be highly impulsive when it comes to satisfying their needs, occasionally resulting in the death/injury of themselves or allies.

Bio ~ Kira used to be a normal high school student, infamous for his young appearance and voice but high level of intelligence. One day he stayed after school very late working on a project for Criminology and fell asleep. When he awoke he was being raped by his teacher inside the man's home. Since then, Kira purposely split his personality into two; one modeled after his little brother who lived with his step-mother while she was away, and a second one based on what he learned in Criminology and his research on infamous murderers. Because he refuses to accept the memory of what happened, Kira leaves with the same teacher who raped him, who also has recently begun training him how to fight and kill for the Enders since he is one.

Race ~ Ender

Wish ~ To be able to freely control his own blood.

Apperance ~ (pictures ARE allowed)~ http://images4.wikia...c/cd/Sasori.jpg except with green eyes and a much more youthful appearance.

Age ~ 18

Weapons (or way of fighting) ~ Hand-to-hand combat focused on countering and reversals, blood, and small melee weapons.

"Time is important"

Edited by Emo/Yami

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I'm trying to expand my character portrayals, and I've never really been an evil person, so I thought I'd give it a try :)


Name: Gavin

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, Collected Quiet, Demented, Unpredictable

Bio: One of the youngest Enders there is, Gavin is one not to be messed with. He is a high ranking Ender, and his intentions are never clear, even to his comrades, who many fear despite his young age

Race: Ender

Age: 11

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon: manipulating the movement of time within a reasonable small area, Gavin uses his weapon of choice (an obsidian black chain with little embedded blood diamond spikes on the edges of each chain) which comes out of his hands, To kill his victims quickly, and sometimes, slowly.


Time is important

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Name ~ Austin Sanchez

Gender ~ Male

Personality ~ Quiet, loner, but normally nice and generous

Bio ~ Austin is from an abusive home and had no greater wish than to just leave and luckily he got that wish when he wished for transportation. He was in the middle of a fight with his dad when his face was slammed into the coffee table. He struggled to stand up when his dad grabbed him around the throat. He was lifted off the ground and his dad was about to swing one more punch when all of a sudden he found himself swimming in the nearby lake. Now he has spent the past years living on his own and training his new ability

Race ~ Renewers

Wish ~ Teleportation

Appearance ~ Posted Image

Age ~ 22

Weapons (or way of fighting) ~ A forearm shield and 3 claws.

Time is important

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I'm signing up. Barely ever did a bad character, do here I go!!


Name: Kyle Shiki


Gender: male


Personality: cold, heartless, dosent care about anyone but himself, restless


Bio: currently unknown


Race: Ender


Wish: to have magic


Weapons: dual weild Katanas, dagger


Time Is Important......

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Sure if you want, but I'll start the roleplay now.



this is awkward, but I titled the roleplay 'signups' also. -.-


here's the link anyways


-edit again-

Fixed it, thanks to Emoyami :P



Edited by solantap

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Name ~ Doesn't like to share his name-- prefers Rain

Gender ~ Male

Personality ~ Troubled. Doesn't speak much.

Bio ~ Rain is a quiet young man, and has a tendency to get violent when angered.

Race ~ Renewers

Wish ~ The power to summon two magical black katanas at will.

Apperance ~ (pictures ARE allowed) http://www.wallpaper...ines.132559.jpg

Age ~ 17

Weapons (or way of fighting) ~ Dual wields black katanas.


Time is important.

Edited by Snow

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I'M BACK AGAIN MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Well anyways here r my characters http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png (Ps. Thanks for waiting for me Desu)


Name- Nagareboshi Shay

Gender- Female

Personality- Has a facade of non-caring and thinks everyone is rather stupid for fighting for such a weak thing as time. But her inside character is rather

panic person who worries too much. She also has a strange side of her......that involves a lot of hugging......

Bio- Nagareboshi has a hatred towards both teams and rather quit both. However her parents were Renewers and made her become one. She feels

rather miserable and sings to get her feelings out. She then later met Echo and decided to partner with him.

Race- Renewers

Wish- To be stronger

Appearance- A long purple dress with huge selves and little bows. Black high thigh socks. Black shinny shoes. Long grey hair that's usually tied with a

big white and purple bow. Blue eyes and pale skin.

Age- 17

Weapon- Spirit Sword


Name- Echo Stevens

Gender- Male

Personality- Cool, calm, strong, caring.

Bio- Echo is actually a white wolf but was given the power to become a human by the Renewers so now he fights for him. He plays guitar and herd

Nagareboshi sing one day. He met her and understood how she was feeling and decided to become her partner.

Race- Renewer

Wish- To make everyone happier

Appearance- yellow jacket with white shirt. Jeans that hide his wolf tail. light blue and yellow sneakers. Light blue spiky hair that blocks his white wolf ears.

Age- 18

​Weapons- Electric headphones that trigger electricity, plus sometimes he turns into his wolf form.


Name- Lola (heh heh I think u remember her Solantap)

Gender- Female

Personality- crazy, evil, smart, sly

Bio- Lola was born as a copy and always treated badly by the Renewers. So she joined the the Enders and hopes to see them suffer. Or is there more?...

Race- Enders

Wish- None

Appearance- short black dress, long black hair with a piece that goes over her forehead and hides some of her right eye. Black heals. Long black wings.

Violet eyes and pale skin.

Age- 14

Weapons- Trident and fllys with her black wings


Time is important...

Edited by Lee Loves KH Forever

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Name: Joshua Akira/Josh

Race: Renewer

Gender: Male

Age: 11

Wish: To be able to use all maic. He got his wish, but can only use one depending on what emotion he's having. (elaborated on way of fighting)

Appearance: A child rather on the small side. He is light skinned, has blue eyes, and has blonde hair http://www.animechar...er.php?id=50769

Height/Weight: 4 foot 6 and 57 pounds (my height/weight -.-')

Personality: An orphan who's lost his parents a long time ago. Now, he is much of a smart-*** and is quick to give a remark. Despite his age, he is EXTREMELY intellectual, as he gave up his childhood fun to study general school studies, and magic, in which he has mastered. Which is all why people shouldn't mistake him for an average child. Because of his superior knowledge and information, he can answer nearly every question. He DESPISES when people call him too young or short for something. Joshua actually refuses to answer anyone who previously teased him, before an apology arises. He hates it MUCH more, if anyone even mentions his parents in front of him. Secretly, what he longs for is someone to call...a mother.

Bio: Officially becoming an orphan at age 7, Joshua wished for magic to protect himself, and, his family. If he gets a new family...however.

Way Of Fighting: Joshua, at such a young age, is smart with battle, and because of his frail ungrown body, stays behind the action, casting defensive spells to friends, and all other offensive spells towards enemies. He uses primarily magic, but can enhance a shortsword of his with his magic, making it a bit more effective. Because of his minimal defense, Joshua usually will fight magically, or flee. His magic is powered by emotion though, as follows:

Fire- Rage

Water- Sorrow, Grief

Ice- Calm, Peaceful

Earth- Proud, Confident

Wind- Excited, Happy

Lightning- Annoyed, Stressed

Tele- pathy/kenesis/portation- Thoughtful

Time- Challenged

Light- Conflcted emotions

Darkness- Emotionless

Healing- possible during any emotion


"Time is important"

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Name: Joshua Akira/Josh

Race: Renewer

Gender: Male

Age: 11

Wish: To be able to use all maic. He got his wish, but can only use one depending on what emotion he's having. (elaborated on way of fighting)

Appearance: A child rather on the small side. He is light skinned, has blue eyes, and has blonde hair http://www.animechar...er.php?id=50769

Height/Weight: 4 foot 6 and 57 pounds (my height/weight -.-')

Personality: An orphan who's lost his parents a long time ago. Now, he is much of a smart-*** and is quick to give a remark. Despite his age, he is EXTREMELY intellectual, as he gave up his childhood fun to study general school studies, and magic, in which he has mastered. Which is all why people shouldn't mistake him for an average child. Because of his superior knowledge and information, he can answer nearly every question. He DESPISES when people call him too young or short for something. Joshua actually refuses to answer anyone who previously teased him, before an apology arises. He hates it MUCH more, if anyone even mentions his parents in front of him. Secretly, what he longs for is someone to call...a mother.

Bio: Officially becoming an orphan at age 7, Joshua wished for magic to protect himself, and, his family. If he gets a new family...however.

Way Of Fighting: Joshua, at such a young age, is smart with battle, and because of his frail ungrown body, stays behind the action, casting defensive spells to friends, and all other offensive spells towards enemies. He uses primarily magic, but can enhance a shortsword of his with his magic, making it a bit more effective. Because of his minimal defense, Joshua usually will fight magically, or flee. His magic is powered by emotion though, as follows:

Fire- Rage

Water- Sorrow, Grief

Ice- Calm, Peaceful

Earth- Proud, Confident

Wind- Excited, Happy

Lightning- Annoyed, Stressed

Tele- pathy/kenesis/portation- Thoughtful

Time- Challenged

Light- Conflcted emotions

Darkness- Emotionless

Healing- possible during any emotion


"Time is important"



This makes me cry yo.

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thanks. hes my new permanent RP character. (I will use others too but this is my main)


"sniff" I know he's your character and all but he reminds me of Joshua. And now when ever I see TWEWY I begin to cry :'(

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