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KHBbS Has anyone ever noticed that there's two Kairi's in this scene?

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Well I was looking through some cut scenes in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and I went to the cut scene "Kairi" and I noticed that before Aqua fights the Unversed there is a Kairi standing next to her (the real Kairi) and a Kairi standing behind her, I'm not sure if they put that in on accident or if it's just for laughs. I'm not sure if there's been a thread on this already if there was then sorry xD. I've attached a file of the image so you can see the other Kairi. kairi times 2.bmp

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Yeah I pointed that out once before lol its weird isn't it


I know O_O I thought the other Kairi was gonna be an evil unversed that was a Kairi look alike so then it would kidnap the real kairi and throw her down le stairz and then pretend to be real kairi

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There really are 2 Kairi's! Yup, she's using a Command Style or the Shadow Clone Jutsu from the Naruto series. :) lol

But, regarding the scene in the credits, Kairi's probably looking for a reason as to why her necklace was glowing.

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