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KH3D Characters...

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We all know that some actors are getting too old for their characters... if Tetsuya and Square keep making Sora in his "young" form... haley will never fit him again...


I hope that KH3 comes fast... Because I can't stand seeing Haley leaving Sora behind... like it happens in movies or other games... like TOMB RAIDER or CRASH BANDICOOT series...


The same happened to Xion... I don't know if her actress is still the same...but her voice is weird...not the same as in Days... and I guess Kairi didn't even spoke on this game.


Riku's voice is still epic... I jsut hate the new haircut... '-'


Roxas is different too... and Ven... Ven didn't changed...


Aqua and Terra are stil good to me http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


Disney voices didn't "died" atleast... xD Too bad that the old Mickey's actor died after Kh Days.. :(


And what's your opinion?

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Roxas is the same....

he has the same VA as Ven.

So how could Ven be the same, but not Roxas?

Roxas's voice has always been softer then Ven's.


And I don't think Kingdom Hearts is going to be doing flashbacks anymore, since KH3 is a future game--as in, it's going forward in time. So I think we'll be okay for a while. You never know if any of these VA go Diva on us. It happens.

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All the voice acting was pretty good in my opinion. Sora was a little iffy to me, but I think everyone can agree on that. I doubt they'll make another awkward Sora in KH3 since it's supposed to take place in the real world.


As for Roxas, I think he sounds quieter and depressed. This was probably done on purpose to show how much pain and sorrow he's feeling.

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We all know that some actors are getting too old for their characters... if Tetsuya and Square keep making Sora in his "young" form... haley will never fit him again...


I hope that KH3 comes fast... Because I can't stand seeing Haley leaving Sora behind... like it happens in movies or other games... like TOMB RAIDER or CRASH BANDICOOT series...


The same happened to Xion... I don't know if her actress is still the same...but her voice is weird...not the same as in Days... and I guess Kairi didn't even spoke on this game.


Riku's voice is still epic... I jsut hate the new haircut... '-'


Roxas is different too... and Ven... Ven didn't changed...


Aqua and Terra are stil good to me http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


Disney voices didn't "died" atleast... xD Too bad that the old Mickey's actor died after Kh Days.. :(


And what's your opinion?


I think with the Roxas and Ven voices they coached him to sound different to give the characters a sense of self, to show that they are indeed two different people even though they look the same!


And Xion was voice by Hayden, who voices Kairi, maybe the actress who did Xion was busy, but she only had one line so I think the change wasn't really a big deal

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I like the english voices better than Japanese.

Ex: Riku

His Japanese voice doesn't fit him at all. It sounds too mono toned if not flat.

Disney characters sound more natural in English

My favorite voice actor is Jesse Mcartney. He does an awesome job as Roxas and Ventus.

Maybe Roxas should sing sometime in KH.

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All the voices sounded just fine though, Haley pulled off a younger Sora very well imo. David also never goes wrong so.. :3 And I'm hoping Hayden sticks around this time to be both Kairi and Xion. Her voice is just perfect for them! cX

And Christopher Lee needs to come back for DiZ! Pay him extra or something, HE WAS PERFECT! ;д;

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Jesse put a little bit of robin from young justice into his voice acting for Roxas, and Hayden couldn't do voice acting for days so they had to get Alyson stoner or someone to fill in, other than that everyone did a good job, especially Leonard nimoy......."DARKNESSSSS"

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