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KH3D How do I find Joshua and Beat when playing as Riku...

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go to 1st district, and go to the main courtyard facing south on the map. there should b 2 doors, one that is south of you, and a hallway on the right that has another door. it's a new section that only Riku get's to explore. I believe the door to 3rd district is blocked off. if u maximize the map on the touch screen in 1st district, you should see two pink rectangles.


the back streets is a little confusing, but if u know how to use flowmotion well enough, you should get the idea. after exiting the back streets, you will be in the fountain plaza. if you have finished sora's side in traverse town, you should know how to get to the 5th district.

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go to 1st district, and go to the main courtyard facing south on the map. there should b 2 doors, one that is south of you, and a hallway on the right that has another door. it's a new section that only Riku get's to explore. I believe the door to 3rd district is blocked off. if u maximize the map on the touch screen in 1st district, you should see two pink rectangles.


the back streets is a little confusing, but if u know how to use flowmotion well enough, you should get the idea. after exiting the back streets, you will be in the fountain plaza. if you have finished sora's side in traverse town, you should know how to get to the 5th district.


Thank you! I'll see if I can pull this off. :)

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No prob.

side note: Sora and riku's bosses are similar but have different forms in traverse town. Sora's boss is based on strength, which shouldnt be much of a problem. Riku's boss is based magic. so Riku's boss may be little tricky. but as long as you have the cure command, you should be fine.

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No prob.

side note: Sora and riku's bosses are similar but have different forms in traverse town. Sora's boss is based on strength, which shouldnt be much of a problem. Riku's boss is based magic. so Riku's boss may be little tricky. but as long as you have the cure command, you should be fine.


Ah...the gorilla boss, right? Do you have any suggestions for Combat Commands to use against it? :)

On another note, how do you maximize the map on the touch screen?

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on the touch screen, there should be a magnifying glass in a blue square on the lower-left corner.


one thing I can say about commands is that any command riku or sora get's, the opposite can get as well. so If sora has gotten a strike raid from the chest in fountain plaza, riku can also use that command as well.


as for command suggestions... well i think sora can do fine with anything u have right now. You can just spam sora's commands, but riku may need a few range attacks, like strike raid, fire, thunder, etc. so u have to get tactical. make sure u have at least 1 cure command in each character.


BTW, if u need combo plus abilities, get a prickle mane, kooma panda, and a sir kyroo recipes.

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on the touch screen, there should be a magnifying glass in a blue square on the lower-left corner.


one thing I can say about commands is that any command riku or sora get's, the opposite can get as well. so If sora has gotten a strike raid from the chest in fountain plaza, riku can also use that command as well.


as for command suggestions... well i think sora can do fine with anything u have right now. You can just spam sora's commands, but riku may need a few range attacks, like strike raid, fire, thunder, etc. so u have to get tactical. make sure u have at least 1 cure command in each character.


BTW, if u need combo plus abilities, get a prickle mane, kooma panda, and a sir kyroo recipes.


Thanks for your help and suggestions! :) I have Drain Dive and Zero Gravity as two of my Commands. Are those good?

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drain dive can work for a while, but then you find better commands later.

dont use any form of zero gravity on boss battles, but you can use them for taking out regular enemies quicker.


Thanks. :)

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