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Queen Tery

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do underworld 3 events happen before 1 and 2? :P...I'm having an argue with a friend over this bcs I say it is and he says that only some events happen in the past while others in the present :@

this is really off topic :P

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The Grapes of Wrath sucked in my opinion.


I would be very inclined to agree with you, actually.


Pls? x3




do underworld 3 events happen before 1 and 2? :P...I'm having an argue with a friend over this bcs I say it is and he says that only some events happen in the past while others in the present :@

this is really off topic :P


Underworld 3 is a prequel to one and two, which means it happens first. I believe the only thing that didn't happen before one and two is the ending which was just the beginning of the first movie.

Edited by Ertyx

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I would be very inclined to agree with you, actually.








Underworld 3 is a prequel to one and two, which means it happens first.


that's what I say :D...but he is dumb :P..won't accept he's wrong

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A topic about going off topic when the topic is going off topic?


Posted Image


I can't see the image, but I hope that it either has something to with Xzibit or mind=blown.


Edit: Good shit.


Guise, stop it. U GUIZ R MAKEN ME CRAI.


Craiing is good, it's off topic.

Edited by Ertyx

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How am I supposed to make love to a headless man?





Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.


Nah, that's not classic yet. I say Alice in Wonderland.

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How am I supposed to make love to a headless man?





Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.


Well, Shinra has no problem with Celty, so I would assume that a headless MAN would work the same way.


Harry Potter is a great book and one of the few that I enjoy. Although, when I first read it, I barely read a few pages before putting it down and passing my close-minded judgement at the ripe age of 10. After a while, I gave it another shot and I love the shit out of it.

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