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So....Saix.... (SPOILERS)

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I'm still rattled from the last topic, so gIve me a second to suck it up. (inhales)




So, this is another So thread that has been produced through my fingers to my keyboard, as well as through a recommendation from Silent Maiden.


As always....you leave your thoughts, I'll leave mine.....and if any other misc. KH characters can be thrown into this mix....well, I'd like to know. Seriously, if I've missed someone, let me know. After all, I thought Xigbar/Braig was the last one I would do...but I guess I was wrong. AGAIN...oh well..



  • Days: .....you don't get out much, do you?
  • KH2: Anger managment, much? Seriously, those Claymores hurt like a mothertrucker.
  • DDD: I should have expected this. You were the biggest butt-kisser in Org. XIII, after all.
Edited by Firaga96

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Thank you!


Kh2: I'm gonna berserk on your ass if you don't let me wack you for once!!!! other than that....troll

Days: You Douche

BbS: trolling since childhood

DDD: Now you are Isanort muhahahahaha!

Edited by Silent Maiden

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BBS: I'm pretty sure Isa's a girl's name.

Days: Jealousy all over the place. Over the keyblade. Over Axel's new and better friends.

KH2: Stop jumping around with your damn polearm!

DDD: But the damn hood back on!

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KH2: Are you Xemnas's romantic interest?

Days: Wow your such a dick, and your signs of your love for Xemnas is showing.

BBS: Well ATLEAST your not being a total dick.


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KH2: Jerk... Stop going berserk already!

Days: Jealous jerk...

BBS: Hey, you were actually cool when you had a heart!

3D: hmm... maybe once he has is heart again he'll be cool ag- dicvjoaedifcniouvkjdjcfocidfkjvo .....so all this time....... probably should've seen that coming D':

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I still wonder how he went from the cool Isa, Lea's best friend, to the *insert everyone's hate as an adjective here* Saix in the Organization, who ends up turning on his best friend in the end, and yeah just becomes kind of a dick. Like, do you think something happened to the guy? I don't know, but I liked him in BBS. Oh well.


But sticking to the thread, ditto what everyone else has said. Basically. Hahaha

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  On 8/24/2012 at 2:52 AM, 'ryudra27' said:

I still wonder how he went from the cool Isa, Lea's best friend, to the *insert everyone's hate as an adjective here* Saix in the Organization, who ends up turning on his best friend in the end, and yeah just becomes kind of a dick. Like, do you think something happened to the guy? I don't know, but I liked him in BBS. Oh well.


But sticking to the thread, ditto what everyone else has said. Basically. Hahaha


Yeah something did happen . He was norted . His heart was and still is being slowly consumed by MX's heart fragment . Hes becoming Xehanort . Which, in turn, changed him ..

Edited by Flaming Lea

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  On 8/24/2012 at 2:58 AM, 'Flaming Lea' said:

Yeah something did happen . He was norted . His heart was and still is being slowly consumed by MX's heart fragment . Hes becoming Xehanort . Which, in turn, changed him ..


Hahaha, "norted", awesome word.


But, he was like that ever since the beginning of the Org. Or at least, when we first found out about them and Saix. Do you think Xehanort would've norted him that early, and not anyone else (excluding Xigbar)? And if he did have a sudden change in personality and such, don't you think Axel might've thought something was up? Woah wait what if that was why they wanted to usurp Xemnas and take over the Organization in COM? That'd be cool

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  On 8/24/2012 at 3:08 AM, 'ryudra27' said:

Hahaha, "norted", awesome word.


But, he was like that ever since the beginning of the Org. Or at least, when we first found out about them and Saix. Do you think Xehanort would've norted him that early, and not anyone else (excluding Xigbar)? And if he did have a sudden change in personality and such, don't you think Axel might've thought something was up? Woah wait what if that was why they wanted to usurp Xemnas and take over the Organization in COM? That'd be cool


Saix had the trademark yellow eyes and pointed ears from the moment we ever saw him so yes he was already norted .Others might have been too but were either failed vessels or we dont know about them yet .... Axel and Saix believed Xemnas was hiding something ( he was ) and were convinced he wasnt really gonna get them their hearts back .. So they planned on rebelling until their friendship broke and Axel went rogue .

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Riiiiiight ok you're right, it's all coming back to me now. Had to brush up a bit on COM and 358/2 days, but yeah I got you now.


Side note, I never put 2 and 2 together and realized the pointed ears were another 'nort trademark. I always realized the yellow eyes, but you're right the pointed ears too. Huh, that's weird. Why does Xehanort even have pointed ears? Maybe he's a little evil elf, muahahaha.


We never saw Axel and Saix being friendly in the Organization either, now that I think about it. That's sad, they were cool in BBS.

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358/2 days: Hey you! get a little rest ok? Work so hard and plan evil doings would damage your healt i guess...

KH2: Yes kind of loooney!

KHBBS: Hey you... why you changed your eye color...? you used contact lents right? ¬.¬

KH3D: first you claim that Xion was a puppet ... now you are one... tell me, how it feels to become what you hate 3 games before?

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BBS: You got swag.

Days: You're so misunderstood... if my best friend ditched me, I'd feel bad too

KHII: All you want is a heart, man, I get it.

3D: WHAT HAS XEHANORT DONE TO YOU?! NOOOOOOOOOOO! I'LL KILL HIM. FOR YOU, AND ONLY YOU. Well, maybe for th fate of the universe too.



He deserved a more positive outlook...

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KH2: When I first heard your voice I thought Tarzan would attack me... then I saw you were a moon lover and I finally thought: Oh, no, he is werewolf! ...but you are just a... lunatic :)

Days: So, you are clever enough to recognize that Xemnas is a liar but you fail at every other thing, tse.

BBS: Troll.

DDD: You have been nort'd, b *sunglasses*

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  On 8/24/2012 at 2:23 AM, 'Firaga96' said:

Is this as much love as Saix is gonna get here? OUR SURVEY SAYS.....yes. xD


Really? Why does everyone hate saix? Excluding DDD of course (I hate him there). Did I miss something? xD

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Hermmm... Kh2: already infected with MX's dickness, days: less infected means that some emotion is still there( seeing as he actually had a heart) but his dog like obedience stuck with him, 3d: full infection and has lost his identity, bbs: actually like a top dog figure to lea...


Not sure if this is considered a theory board but lea and isa both have the same eyes in bbs, lea looked up to isa and one represents sun the other moon... Could they be brothers or something?

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  On 8/24/2012 at 4:56 PM, 'Felix...x?' said:

Hermmm... Kh2: already infected with MX's dickness, days: less infected means that some emotion is still there( seeing as he actually had a heart) but his dog like obedience stuck with him, 3d: full infection and has lost his identity, bbs: actually like a top dog figure to lea...


Not sure if this is considered a theory board but lea and isa both have the same eyes in bbs, lea looked up to isa and one represents sun the other moon... Could they be brothers or something?


Its already been stated time and time again they were childhood best friends . Also Nomura confirmed that he wasnt using family relations as plot points so no one was related (exceptions of cameos like kairis grandma)

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