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KHBbS what's xenaxort???

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BBS (Birth By Sleep) SPOILERS:

I hope you mean Xehanort.


Xehanort is:


Is Master Xehanort, who took over Terras body. In the process Terra got white hair and yellow eyes like MX (Master Xehanort) had. But Terranort (as people call) was defeated by Terra amour. A.K.A Lingering Sentiment.


There was an explosion and somehow Terranort got to Radiant Garden, were he was found by Ansem the Wise. And got medical help. He had lost his memories, except his name: Xehanort!


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XEMNAS is the Nobody of "Master Xehanort fuse Terra"(Terranort) MX and Terra both know Aqua, but a little bit of Terra stayed in his body as well Aqua rescued Terranord of falling into darkness.


Hope you understand a little bit. It

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You guys are not giving him full details. All I see is confusion. Here, let me explain:




Posted Image


Master Xehanort is a Keyblade Master. When he was young, he lived on Destiny Island. But then he left to become the Keyblade Master he is now. While he was training, his master always told him to wear armor to protect himself from darkness, when traveling around worlds, but he stopped when he felt a strong presence (AKA darkness), which made his heart contain alot of darkness.


He had dreams of finding a new realm by opening Kingdom Hearts. And with new research on it, he wanted to open Kingdom Hearts. And he planned on that by using the X-Blade, which was a fake Keyblade, but was an way to open Kingdom Hearts, rather than collects the Princesses of Hearts' hearts.


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It is created when a heart of pure light (Ventus) and a heart of pure darkness (Vanitas) intersected, at the same power. So MX took Ventus as an apprentice and used him to split his heart in half, thus creating Vanitas. However, if he was to open Kingdom Hearts, he would needed a new vessel since his body was growing old. His plan was to use Terra.


At the end of BBS, he succeed by releasing his heart and used his strength to put it in Terra, thus creating him:


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*Note the grey hair and yellow eyes on Terra, or Terranort lol*


However, Terra tried to protect his body from Master Xehanort's heart by going into his armor but failed, and his armor fell. But his soul was still in it and it fought the new Terranort (MX) as the Lingering Sentiment. He defeated him and then a bright light teleported Terranort to Radiant Garden. Aqua appears and defeats him, causing him to fade to into darkness, but Aqua sacfrice her armor and Keyblade and send him back to Radiant Garden, and her staying in the Realm of Darkness.


Ansem the Wise then found him, without any memories except for the name Xehanort, and made him his apprentice:


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And then later, he dabs his heart in darkness too much, along with the other 5 apprentices, and they became a Heartless and a Nobody. Xehanort's Heartless took the name Ansem. He looked like this:


Posted Image


And he tried to open Kingdom Hearts, with the Princesses of Hearts. He also had a Nobody, which his name is Xemnas, and he looked like:


Posted Image


He also tried to open Kingdom Hearts, by having Sora kill the Heartless with his Keyblade, and so on.




I hope this really helped.


And also, please change your signature. It has Vanitas' face and people don't won't to be spoiled.

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Ummmm, I have read the Xehanort Reports, as some information from my details was included there. I didn't put ALL the infomation from the reports by yeah, just good knowledge of it.


Plus the other reports, but they really don't connect to BBS, except for the Secret Report, but only about Ventus and not Master Xehanort.

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You guys are not giving him full details. All I see is confusion. Here, let me explain:




Posted Image


Master Xehanort is a Keyblade Master. When he was young, he lived on Destiny Island. But then he left to become the Keyblade Master he is now. While he was training, his master always told him to wear armor to protect himself from darkness, when traveling around worlds, but he stopped when he felt a strong presence (AKA darkness), which made his heart contain alot of darkness.


He had dreams of finding a new realm by opening Kingdom Hearts. And with new research on it, he wanted to open Kingdom Hearts. And he planned on that by using the X-Blade, which was a fake Keyblade, but was an way to open Kingdom Hearts, rather than collects the Princesses of Hearts' hearts.


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It is created when a heart of pure light (Ventus) and a heart of pure darkness (Vanitas) intersected, at the same power. So MX took Ventus as an apprentice and used him to split his heart in half, thus creating Vanitas. However, if he was to open Kingdom Hearts, he would needed a new vessel since his body was growing old. His plan was to use Terra.


At the end of BBS, he succeed by releasing his heart and used his strength to put it in Terra, thus creating him:


Posted Image

*Note the grey hair and yellow eyes on Terra, or Terranort lol*


However, Terra tried to protect his body from Master Xehanort's heart by going into his armor but failed, and his armor fell. But his soul was still in it and it fought the new Terranort (MX) as the Lingering Sentiment. He defeated him and then a bright light teleported Terranort to Radiant Garden. Aqua appears and defeats him, causing him to fade to into darkness, but Aqua sacfrice her armor and Keyblade and send him back to Radiant Garden, and her staying in the Realm of Darkness.


Ansem the Wise then found him, without any memories except for the name Xehanort, and made him his apprentice:


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And then later, he dabs his heart in darkness too much, along with the other 5 apprentices, and they became a Heartless and a Nobody. Xehanort's Heartless took the name Ansem. He looked like this:


Posted Image


And he tried to open Kingdom Hearts, with the Princesses of Hearts. He also had a Nobody, which his name is Xemnas, and he looked like:


Posted Image


He also tried to open Kingdom Hearts, by having Sora kill the Heartless with his Keyblade, and so on.




I hope this really helped.


And also, please change your signature. It has Vanitas' face and people don't won't to be spoiled.


wow thanks:D

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