Axarial 5 Posted August 22, 2012 Is it worth it? I've played all the other KH games, BUT that one. I would see it in stores and attempt to buy it but i was told by someone that it's not worth the money and to just watch the cut scenes. But idk. What do you think? Should i but it, or just watch the cut scenes online? OR just not bother with it at all. Does it even contribute much to the story? i'm playing DDD right now and they mentioned Coded ONCE but that's it, lol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caity 3,946 Posted August 22, 2012 Well I've seen the game in store used for less than a fiver. Why don't you get the used version? I always find it more fun to play through a game myself and see what happens rather than watch someone else 3 hatok, Zola and LightningXIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaneki Ken 1,516 Posted August 22, 2012 All kh games are needed to understand the storyline. so u do need coded. It explains the letter King Mickey sent to Sora, Riku and Kairi. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zola 3,038 Posted August 22, 2012 Coded wasn't so bad, but you can kinda tell it was originally a cell phone game. It doesn't add as much new storyline as you might like, but it is great if you just want some kingdom hearts to play that you haven't already played fifty times. If you can find it used, it is definitely worth getting. I waited until the price went down to get a new one, and I wasn't sad about paying a 20 for it. 2 Weiss and Axarial reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireRubies1 1,325 Posted August 22, 2012 It's a pretty fun game but if all you want is the story all you really need are the cutscenes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kristi-swat 61 Posted August 22, 2012 I think it's important since it has direct connection with 3D and kh3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Imoore4 687 Posted August 22, 2012 If you're a true Kingdom Hearts fan I suggest you get it! 1 Axarial reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axarial 5 Posted August 23, 2012 Alright then i guess it's settled! I'll get Coded! I'll play it when i'm done with 3d Thanks for the help guys! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hatok 6,413 Posted August 23, 2012 It's a pretty fun game but if all you want is the story all you really need are the cutscenes Uhh... this is true of ANY game (Unless it's a game that tells its story through gameplay or by background details)But definitely any KH game Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
punchxcore 10 Posted September 16, 2012 I contemplated many times on buying it, but after buying and playing a bit of 358/2 Days on the DS, I can say that I'm not really a huge fan of the handheld games. I will probably end up buying DDD though since I do have a 3DS. I just tend to like games on the bigger consoles better. Controls are much easier. I recently found videos on youtube with cut scenes, so I'll have probably just watch that and not even bother with buying the game, so I can at least get the back story to it. It's hard to play games on a hand held when you're used to playing games on a 50" inch flat screen, lol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoraKH 793 Posted September 18, 2012 Is it worth it? I've played all the other KH games, BUT that one. I would see it in stores and attempt to buy it but i was told by someone that it's not worth the money and to just watch the cut scenes. But idk. What do you think? Should i but it, or just watch the cut scenes online? OR just not bother with it at all. Does it even contribute much to the story? i'm playing DDD right now and they mentioned Coded ONCE but that's it, lol. Well honestly there wasnt something shocking or a different stroy. It just wanted to give us a message. If you worry that its something important honestly dont worry. But i honestly liked playing it. It was really fun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heike 53 Posted September 22, 2012 Well it's not the best game in the storyline aspect. But It's gameplay is fun and entertaining so yeh play it you won't regret it. But IMO It won't touch you like the other games in the saga Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zola 3,038 Posted September 22, 2012 IMO It won't touch you like the other games in the saga It actually got me closer to crying than any of the other games did...Even though I'm never happy when CO is on the horizon, something about how they did it this time kind of got to me (I get WAAAY too emotionally involved with games, whatever console they're on, and this one played me just right somehow). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PillowHead 569 Posted September 22, 2012 I have yet to play it as well, but I never personally had the drive to. So, I decided just to watch all the cutscenes for it, and I have been content with that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venxas24 544 Posted September 23, 2012 I wouldn't get a new copy but if you see a used one for cheap then definitely get it. I would get it as more of an i'm bored aspect than a "this game is important" aspect. I think it may be least important to the story of the series but it is fun and I enjoyed playing the worlds on a mobile device instead of my PS2 so I had some of KH with me everywhere Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted September 23, 2012 Every kingdom hearts game is worth of playing. Then you wouldnt understand whats happening. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demyx. 10,064 Posted October 3, 2012 I had a lot of fun playing it. So I say yes you should. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XIIISwords 1,059 Posted October 6, 2012 I enjoyed it. It's story didn't hold up to Days or the other games, but it was a fun title gameplay wise. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiss 8,279 Posted February 18, 2013 Although it is most people's least favorite kh game and is mine it's worth playing. the gameplay is fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites