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Daniel Black

Advise please :S

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Usually i live hearing all the complainings, conflicts... struggles... figths... (the last for who have the reason... such annoying), and etcetera etcetera etcetera, from friends and family... and usually i need to control the situation.. but lately i had been somehow stressed by everything, i dont want to be involved on those events... but somehow, i cant say no when they ask for help ... the question is. Am i crazy or i´m just damned to be a mediator? Help please -.-

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That's how I feel sometimes too bro, or sis. As the oldest son, I have to mediate siblings and parents. It's not a fun situation to be in. You're not crazy, but maybe some of your "mediator" in you might help you in a career or in life in general. You'll be more able to cope when the going gets tough.


For a solution, try saying no sometimes. It hurts, but sometimes you have to look out for your help. If you really must help, try to refer the person to somebody else who can help them so that you don't have to do it yourself.

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That's how I feel sometimes too bro, or sis. As the oldest son, I have to mediate siblings and parents. It's not a fun situation to be in. You're not crazy, but maybe some of your "mediator" in you might help you in a career or in life in general. You'll be more able to cope when the going gets tough.


For a solution, try saying no sometimes. It hurts, but sometimes you have to look out for your help. If you really must help, try to refer the person to somebody else who can help them so that you don't have to do it yourself.


Im a bro. xD Thanks for the advice

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Tell them you need time to yourself and see if they can handle things on their own? You need to take a break sometime and I'm sure they don't need you to always fix it. Take up some hobbies to relieve the stress levels and like said above, just learn to say no and think of yourself for some time. Hope it all gets well!

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I've had similar situations such as yours before.


If you feel the need to help, just do it or you will regret it later. If you feel like you can't take it anymore, just tell them off that you don't want to be involved in such things so often. Balance your feelings and try to have time for yourself more.

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