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The power to connect to ones Heart (Sora)

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I know i recelently made a post on this but i was not not getting enough responses as i had liked to but anyway. Sora as we know as the power To Tie his heart with the heart of another and form a sort of connection. As i said in my previous topic there is alot of ways this could be used soras heart is tencially a wayfinder so sora could use D-Links without having to have one he could borrow their powers Such as vens speed, Aquas magical talent,Terras strenghth Etc. And sora could even use the keybades of others confirmed by normua himself when he said Even before vens heart entered soras body when sora mendend his heart the first time he gained the abbility to weild his own keyblade and vens. So even after His heart leaves sora could still dual weild or tenkially weild ALOT of keyblades through telkinesis. So sora Could basically copy peoples powers and channel them through himself. THis coul be why braig was so scared of sora in DDD. And also when xemnas said are you sure the bits and bites of your life are not Just copys, yes i know he was talking about ven. Or when in the japnesse version he says you yourself are just a vessel for other keyblade weilders. tell me what you think.

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Maybe that could be how the game ends? You know at the end of a saga of games like this the death of the villain is gonna be epic. Maybe first you fight the final boss as regular sora and then get a part where you can change between everyones styles and keyblades eventually wielding everyones. But those are all just guesses. Since this game is hopefully (please let it be!) on ps3 they could certainly do alot with it. Plus we still don't know the story for bbsv2 (which I think we should find out in KH3) which might reveal something important. Why must they make us wait for Kh3!! ;)

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Well it possible even likely that Sora could use d-links without a wayfinder(though I found them quite useless in bbs) I don't think he can wield all of their keyblades. The only reason he can use Ven's is because Ven's heart resides in Sora. This was actually confirmed in the interveiw you are referring to.

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Well it possible even likely that Sora could use d-links without a wayfinder(though I found them quite useless in bbs) I don't think he can wield all of their keyblades. The only reason he can use Ven's is because Ven's heart resides in Sora. This was actually confirmed in the interveiw you are referring to.


Oh im sorry. i just thought that he said when he connected his heart in the begineing of the game at destiny islands that he said he gained the power to weild his keyblade and vens. Sorry if that soundend saracastic i promise it was not meant to be spiteful in anyway im just stating what i thought Normua had said. :)

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Oh im sorry. i just thought that he said when he connected his heart in the begineing of the game at destiny islands that he said he gained the power to weild his keyblade and vens. Sorry if that soundend saracastic i promise it was not meant to be spiteful in anyway im just stating what i thought Normua had said. :)


No problem dude just correcting you so you'll know for future reference.

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