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I worry too much D: I kind of panicked when I thought I would get in trouble.


>DC says NO.

>Kirby thinks she'll get banned





Wait, wait. Roxas just said something... I'm getting banned, aren't I?! *cries*


You need to change your member title still! Snow and Jim did it.


Ew, ThAT'S just gross.


I bet you've never even tried Poop Juice.

Edited by XaonSchock

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haha you won't get banned. He's not unfair, he just makes sure we follow the rules.


I hope not! This community is like my second family. I love it here :3


I'm sure we can all keep it pg13. *coughcoughsomeone*


You need to change your member title still! Snow and Jim did it.




I bet you've never even tried Poop Juice.



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