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KH3D It's Just One Thing After Another for Me With This Game

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So, I can't catch a break with Dream Drop Distance. I will say this is THE ARENA for the second to last boss, you don't see the boss anywhere, so I don't think I need to post any Spoiler Warning, but just in case, here it is. My game glitched big time right after beating a boss that I hadn't been able to beat for 2 weeks...I thought this was pretty hilarious...also Like I said on the description on Youtube, sorry for burping near the end, :D , I was drinking Soda...




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I agree with you. i wouldnt want to cut off my 3ds either. atleast you have a camera to document it xD


Yea, when I used the camera I saw a platform WWWAAAAYYYYY above me, and I really want to go up there but I can't, so I've been climbing the polls with flowmotion...

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I mean that sucks that it glitched on you.

But its pretty cool.

It was a good colourscheme on the ground.

And the battle is wicked.

Not as good as the next boss stage or the next boss =D


too bad I'll never know until I turn off my game and do the battle over again, which I have no problem with, but Limbo is pretty comfortable...

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weird....the game never glitched on me until this very moment.........it's like some versions glitches....and some others don't....


I"m gonna film the battle and see if it happens again...

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so far I've finished 4 Worlds and have 3 left...and the game never glitched on me .......also some people don't seem to encounter glitches..........so maybe it's something wrong with some versions of the game....I flowmotion like crazy but no glitch occur

Edited by Metal Snake

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so far I've finished 4 Worlds and have 3 left...and the game never glitched on me .......also some people don't seem to encounter glitches..........so maybe it's something wrong with some versions of the game....I flowmotion like crazy but no glitch occur


Yea there could be various reasons for the glitch, I just choose to go with it and find a way around, hopefully it doesn't happen again.

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too bad I'll never know until I turn off my game and do the battle over again, which I have no problem with, but Limbo is pretty comfortable...


Pain in the bottom.

Hopefully it doesn'e happen again, and you'll be able to finish.

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