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Hatok's Big List O' Ways the Kingdom Hearts is Being Undermined by Recent Games (Sporadic Spoilers)

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Well,everything you sad is right...but that is kingdom hearts and if you are a fan you don't mind any of those things :)


What kind of logic is that?

Being a fan doesn't mean being a blind follower. If you see these flaws, and think they matter, then they should be treated as such

I'd go as far as to say a person a person who sees yet ignores the flaws of something they enjoy is a bad fan, in the same thread of logic that a friend who sees their friend's problems and says nothing.

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i agree with some of it, except the bit that i definitely dont agree with is the freedom part, DDD has the best world freedom in the entire series, and if thats not what you meant, please clarify

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i agree with some of it, except the bit that i definitely dont agree with is the freedom part, DDD has the best world freedom in the entire series, and if thats not what you meant, please clarify


An open world does not equal freedom. Sure the area's are big, but it just equates to a bigger distance between point A and B. There's nothing inbetween, and you can't go anywhere special or interact with anything meaningful. Most of the area is blocked off as well, to a ridiculous degree (Sliding off of roofs and such)

Here's a very clear example: Compare Traverse Towns. Despite the fact that Sora has more potential exploration abilities this time around, he can go to fewer places and stand on fewer surfaces than in KH1. The brand new areas, despite being much bigger, have LESS to do in them than in the reused area.

DDD may APPEAR to give you freedom, but it's giving you the same as before, spread over a bigger area.

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I know...some flaws bother me but you can't really do anything about it...but you can tell your friend about his problems...I think if you are a good friend with someone you are going to ignore some of his flaws.I just enjoy playing kh games and even if it has it's flaws,for me kh is the best series http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


An open world does not equal freedom. Sure the area's are big, but it just equates to a bigger distance between point A and B. There's nothing inbetween, and you can't go anywhere special or interact with anything meaningful. Most of the area is blocked off as well, to a ridiculous degree (Sliding off of roofs and such)

Here's a very clear example: Compare Traverse Towns. Despite the fact that Sora has more potential exploration abilities this time around, he can go to fewer places and stand on fewer surfaces than in KH1. The brand new areas, despite being much bigger, have LESS to do in them than in the reused area.

DDD may APPEAR to give you freedom, but it's giving you the same as before, spread over a bigger area.


You have a point there...In KH1and KH2 you could interact with characters in every world but in bbs there is less of it and in DDD you can't interact with characters at all...

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I know...some flaws bother me but you can't really do anything about it...but you can tell your friend about his problems...I think if you are a good friend with someone you are going to ignore some of his flaws.I just enjoy playing kh games and even if it has it's flaws,for me kh is the best series http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


You have a point there...In KH1and KH2 you could interact with characters in every world but in bbs there is less of it and in DDD you can't interact with characters at all...


Fans have a voice. It's just hard to remember that. There's a pervasive stigma that companies are gigantic entities beyond our mortal minds, but they really aren't, and they're a lot more accessible, and reliant on us, than we tend to think.

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You made a lot of really good points, but I just want to point out that with the NPCs (or lack thereof) in DDD, the developers were cramming for space as it is with the game. Having to put NPCs in the game would have meant sacrificing other features that made the game more enjoyable (although that's debatable too, I guess, depending on your viewpoint). I personally am still enjoying the game, and I think it's an excellent game, but your points do make a lot of sense to me.

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I agree, but I believe if we let Nomura know what we think, the series will pick up again. Of course, they are all great games, but we all had that something's missing feeling in some of the later games. once again: Great series, and I'm still a hardcore fan, but something is definitely missing.

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I agree with eveyhing you are saying. The world designs are gettin worse. I think bbs takes crown for most blan and boring worlds. I think bbs also had the fastest worlds. I just hate how lifeless the worlds are. they are getting lazy. I dont think the enimies are getting overpowered, but the moves are. I find the enimies weak and unsatisfying. The biggest problems for me are i think KH is dated and things need to be improved. I thought flowmotion was petty fun and didnt really take away from anything. One i can really agree on is that treasures are really pointless. They give useless things. Even in the later worlds of ddd you would get potions. Most of the other times they were just stupid confetti candy and ice cream cones. I got was starting to gt mad at how they were giving me such uselsss things. Whenever i found a big chest it would be for a move i have already. I was left very unsatisfyed.

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Very good list. I agree with it. I hope for KH3 we get some of these issues fix. Like the empty worlds. If square can make random NPC that walks around like they did for FF13-2 i would be happy (with some of them offering side quest to do on that world or a different one). Also i would love more choice in the game.

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Put it this way: Kingdom Hearts 3 will be SO fcking outstanding and mind-blowingly amazing that everyone will forget the flaws in past-games, since there would pretty much be no point in playing them anymore if you already beat them.


They have 25-50 gigs to work with, so the amount of content in KH 3 will be out of this world. Unless they rush it...Which I doubt they will. They will want to make it as epic as virtually possible.

Edited by Raziel

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Put it this way: Kingdom Hearts 3 will be SO fcking outstanding and mind-blowingly amazing that everyone will forget the flaws in past-games, since there would pretty much be no point in playing them anymore if you already beat them.


They have 25-50 gigs to work with, so the amount of content in KH 3 will be out of this world. Unless they rush it...Which I doubt they will. They will want to make it as epic as virtually possible.


Having tonnes of space doesn't equate to using it. Most of the space used in Final Fantasy XIII was dedicated to high quality prerendered cutscenes.

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What I found amazing about your list hatok was how ell you summed up each and every game, I let a friend read it who was confused as to what was going on; and came back understanding it perfectly.


Now, I agree with majority of this; especially talking to NCPs, seeing as how game have made it so you only talk to someone to progress the plot these days. Worlds feel amazingly empty and devoid of life. Worlds them self are just easy to go through and leave little reason to revisit them. All in all, the game are stream lined, geared towards getting you through it and to the end.


I disagree, however; with the gripe against flowmotion. I absolutely adore it, and think it has the potential to become really great if implemented in KHIII. I personally think the best way to do this, is make it more reactionary based in battles. I was disappointed there was really only one flowmotion you could do by running into enemies, and that it was rather tricky to actually pull off. Bosses should have flowmotions specific to them, that fit the theme of what they are much like reaction commands.


Also, I played DDD thinking things like sonic blade, slot edge, etc were still interactive like BBS. I really love the big moves, because I'm a power monger in videogames, but I hate feeling like I've no control over whats going on. Sometimes in the middle of Dark Aura, I want to stop because I have to heal, in BBS I could do that, stop mashing triangle, in DDD I have to wait for the move to finish and hope it's not too late.


As for the enemies, I'm suprised to hear someone say they've gotten harder. Personally, I find very little difficulty in the regular modes of the newer KH games, especially DDD. I beat the final bosses with RIku amazingly fast, and didn't come truly close to dying once. This is mostly due to the fact that, if knowing what you're doing, it because WAY to easy to over power your characters with commands in the game, especially in New Game+, where you start with all your Dream Eaters. I wasn't even done with Traverse Town when I had Meteor Crash, Dark Splinter, Dark Break, and Curaga. Sora's commands are a bit harder to get, needing your DEs at level 20 or 30 before you can unlock them, but I'm nearly finished with Cite des Cloches and have the three main DEs I need leveled to level 17. I find this second playful frightfully boring, due to how OP I am, and I'm having to find creative ways to make it a challenge. granted, if I had been on proud mode like I wanted; this may not be an issue, but even in my original play through of DDD, it was just too easy.


I also like the notions of different playable characters. When in a connected multigame franchise like KH, it can get droll playing as Sora every single time, especially if they don't truly change him in anyway. RIku gives a nice breath of fresh air to the game, and I genuinely prefer his style of fighting to Sora's, mostly because even in KHII Sora has always felt clunky. I am truly looking forward to playing as Lea, if that's possible (which I hope it is) and highly interested in what how his controls will feel. I also really hope they give us a feature like mission mode from Days (without it being so boring).


I think that's all I really had to say, might have had more but I've forgotten by now. xD


Having tonnes of space doesn't equate to using it. Most of the space used in Final Fantasy XIII was dedicated to high quality prerendered cutscenes.


And some of the prettiest Hallways I have ever seen. Edited by Kirux

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What I found amazing about your list hatok was how ell you summed up each and every game, I let a friend read it who was confused as to what was going on; and came back understanding it perfectly.


Now, I agree with majority of this; especially talking to NCPs, seeing as how game have made it so you only talk to someone to progress the plot these days. Worlds feel amazingly empty and devoid of life. Worlds them self are just easy to go through and leave little reason to revisit them. All in all, the game are stream lined, geared towards getting you through it and to the end.


I disagree, however; with the gripe against flowmotion. I absolutely adore it, and think it has the potential to become really great if implemented in KHIII. I personally think the best way to do this, is make it more reactionary based in battles. I was disappointed there was really only one flowmotion you could do by running into enemies, and that it was rather tricky to actually pull off. Bosses should have flowmotions specific to them, that fit the theme of what they are much like reaction commands.


Also, I played DDD thinking things like sonic blade, slot edge, etc were still interactive like BBS. I really love the big moves, because I'm a power monger in videogames, but I hate feeling like I've no control over whats going on. Sometimes in the middle of Dark Aura, I want to stop because I have to heal, in BBS I could do that, stop mashing triangle, in DDD I have to wait for the move to finish and hope it's not too late.


As for the enemies, I'm suprised to hear someone say they've gotten harder. Personally, I find very little difficulty in the regular modes of the newer KH games, especially DDD. I beat the final bosses with RIku amazingly fast, and didn't come truly close to dying once. This is mostly due to the fact that, if knowing what you're doing, it because WAY to easy to over power your characters with commands in the game, especially in New Game+, where you start with all your Dream Eaters. I wasn't even done with Traverse Town when I had Meteor Crash, Dark Splinter, Dark Break, and Curaga. Sora's commands are a bit harder to get, needing your DEs at level 20 or 30 before you can unlock them, but I'm nearly finished with Cite des Cloches and have the three main DEs I need leveled to level 17. I find this second playful frightfully boring, due to how OP I am, and I'm having to find creative ways to make it a challenge. granted, if I had been on proud mode like I wanted; this may not be an issue, but even in my original play through of DDD, it was just too easy.


I also like the notions of different playable characters. When in a connected multigame franchise like KH, it can get droll playing as Sora every single time, especially if they don't truly change him in anyway. RIku gives a nice breath of fresh air to the game, and I genuinely prefer his style of fighting to Sora's, mostly because even in KHII Sora has always felt clunky. I am truly looking forward to playing as Lea, if that's possible (which I hope it is) and highly interested in what how his controls will feel. I also really hope they give us a feature like mission mode from Days (without it being so boring).


I think that's all I really had to say, might have had more but I've forgotten by now. xD



And some of the prettiest Hallways I have ever seen.


The enemies aren't HARDER... they're cheaper. It's way easy to be knocked down to 1 HP (Or death if you don't have Second Chance) by on offscreen enemy, and when enemies used things like Sparkga twice, it was pretty much inescapable. That and the fact that you can rarely cause them to flinch. This may be partially attributed to the fact that I was playing on Proud and quite underleveled (I was in my mid twenties by the final boss)


The hallways mean nothing :P The entirety of FF XIII could have fit on the Xbox 360, the only thing that changes on each disk is the FMVs.

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For me, commands actually make me use magic more often. In KH2, I would use magic solely for curing and the odd thunder to finish off a boss (since you needed to kill bosses with either combo finishers or magic in that game). I find it easier to use magic with commands since I don't have to worry about any MP, but that's just me.


Other than that, I agree with everything you said, and that is why KH2 still remains my favourite game in the series.

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There is too Much Focus on New Playable Characters


Stop and think about it. While you could briefly control a limited version of Mickey or Riku in KH2 (As well as a heartless in KH1) every game since has made it their goal to have multiple playable characters. Not only does this lead to problems with the narrative is most cases, it is also most likely the cause of our loss of options


Well, I think, it would be the best for the series if we would just follow Sora's story but if other characters are in the team that we can also play as them. When I played my first KH game I thought I could switch the characters - I was a bit sad that I could not.

So everyone could play as person X and the story would not repeat as it did in BBS/DDD.



Worlds are Treated as Levels-


More and more KH worlds have been devolving into "Visit world > get abridged plot points > fight boss"


Yeah. I think, it worked best in KH2 - It was kind of nice to revisit the worlds and to have still a plot/other things to do.



Attention is Being Drawn to the Lifelessness of the Worlds-


Things like Terra looking for the crowd cheering for him at Olympus Colosseum. I can understand not wanting to make a bunch of Hercules style NPCs... but don't draw attention to it and then never explain it. But the lifelessness of the worlds is getting worse, which is strange considering...


In this case, I thought, it was because of the limits of the PSP. However, 3DS could handle these things so yeah, they are just lazy.



There are fewer Worlds and Yet...-


They are lighter on content. There are only a few cutscenes in each wordl in DDD, and it has the fewest worlds in the series to date. people may argue that the worlds are huge, however, this is note the case; there are large maps, but still only a few rooms, and considering most of the area has become wasted space to be used by nothing, they might as well be small.


I don't have a problem with fewer worlds, however, it was a bit jarring that the plot of each world was so short. If the storys (hello, Notre Dome!) would at least be long enough to make up for it.

Never played Coded or Days - but was that the same with them, too?

I guess, "rushed" is the word for this? Some of the 'new' Disney characters were... just there. If I would not know about the movies I would have never got some relationships at all. I look at you, Esmeralda!


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For me, commands actually make me use magic more often. In KH2, I would use magic solely for curing and the odd thunder to finish off a boss (since you needed to kill bosses with either combo finishers or magic in that game). I find it easier to use magic with commands since I don't have to worry about any MP, but that's just me.


Other than that, I agree with everything you said, and that is why KH2 still remains my favourite game in the series.


Ah, no, you misunderstand. I don't use magic much either, and found myself using it a lot more in BBS. But it's magic is still a perfectly viable style. My friend played KH1 and 2 relying on magic. It's not so practical in BBS, where every piece of magic is a command, and you have very limited deck space. It basically forces you to rely on other things fairly regularly, making a focus on magic a fairly non-legitimate tactic.

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It's not so practical in BBS, where every piece of magic is a command, and you have very limited deck space. It basically forces you to rely on other things fairly regularly, making a focus on magic a fairly non-legitimate tactic.


They could fuse this with KH2's system.

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I like the command system, it gives a bit more of an RPG feel, and to me a lots easier to navigate than the shortcuts menu, which rather limits what you use in battle. Having 2 menus to have to sift through w/o the command deck just takes too much time for me, and I end up dying during real time battle.

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I honestly believe they've done nothing wrong with Kingdom Hearts. The most of the games out now have been plot fillers and what not. They don't have to be the same as KH and KH2 worked. It's all different each time from what I've seen. Nothing wrong has happened, everything makes sense now and every game filled more to the story, though Coded/Re: Coded was kind of unneeded in my opinion. All that matters to me in Kingdom Hearts is the story, the characters and the gameplay. All of that put together has become something great with each game they release.

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