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KH isn't a game that needs uber-graphics.

I don't know what "contrals" are, so i can't comment on that.

Gameplay wouldn't be that big of a difference. It's not as if it's a law that all Wii games need to have motion control.


Also, it's not a bad idea financially.

Keep in mind the PS3 doesn't particularly sell well, mainly with younger audiences.

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or what?? the world will end? please, 2012 is a load of rubbish and besides, Nomura will have it out by 2011 as he said that it's what he wants to do ASAP so by TGS 2010 he can stand up and say, "we're actually pretty much done, it's fecking awesome and I am an Asian god."

He might even hint at KH4 as I doubt everything that needs to be fixed in 358/2 days, coded, BBS and KH1, 2 and COM will be accomplished by the end of 3 =3

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ok... so what will we go against since it won't be the orgy? I kinda worried, "extension" stories often go wrong... Hope kh3 will have good story.

Wow, originally sora was animal alike? w0w...that kinda explains some of his nature...I think... Good thing he didn't use that or kh won't be as popular as it is now.


So if it's in 2012 we will fall into the realm of darkness with them? XXD

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So if it's in 2012 we will fall into the realm of darkness with them? XXD

OMG!! if I meet Aqua in the realm of darkness then 2012 would be like the best thing ever (not that DD will happen in 2012). I'd be like "Aqua? can I play with your... Keyblade" ROFL

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