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Gangheller Academy

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yeah, i stole this idea from a different RP site, still, thought it would be fun.

Story: You have been called into an academy for young CIA operatives. They train you how to fight with your bare hands, different guns and weapons, and how to use high-tech gadgets.

Rules: No Swearing, you may put F***, but not the real word, you may only attack other people while in self-defence classes.






Physical Description:



Weapon of choise:

Special Abilities:



Here's mine


Name: Danny Frost

Age: 15

Physical Description: 5"5, 140 pounds, agile, tan skin. Dark Black hair, deep blue eyes.

Personality: Usually hard to read, quiet, mysterious, but if you are a friend of his, he will be joking and laughing.

Gadgets: BlackBerry Phone that has a grappling hook, digital decryptor, a small laser, and a tracking function. Small bomb-like things that turn off any electronics in it's range.

Weapon of choise: His hands or a pistol.

Special Abilities: Hacking, fist fighting.

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Name: Aaron Flynn

Age: 16

Physical Description: http://gigazine.jp/img/2009/04/10/miracle_train/c_nakano.png

Personality: ????

Gadgets: An iPod which plays a tune that can temporarily deafen any enemy in range, he wears a set of earbuds which protect him from said noise... the iPod also has a set of miniature tools: Wrench, Scissors.. etc. His watch has eveythign you can think of... Satellite, internet access... holgrams... except, it can't tell time... -_-

Weapon of choise: Hands, or a nice, old fashioned... AK-47...lol

Special Abilities: Trained in all forms of Karate, also... when he was younger, his uncle was a private in the military, and when eh was home... eh owuld teach him a lot of sniper techniques and whatnot...

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