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KH2 KH2FM ... I need help.

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I have it for my PS2... and I don't play it like almost 2 years I don't now how to play it... I can't beat Sephiroth like I did on the original KH2 and I can't even take 1 hit at Terra. My skills are horrible... I don't have second chance...or once more.. :(

I need help.

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Grid...what? o.o


The game is in japanese....


Grind as in grind levels. Find a good spot with a lot of heartless/nobodies and kill them all. Then leave and come back and keep doing that til you get to the level you want

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Grind as in grind levels. Find a good spot with a lot of heartless/nobodies and kill them all. Then leave and come back and keep doing that til you get to the level you want


I'm level 52... No Ultima... and the game is confusing... o.o


My skills aren't the best...I cant even fight correctly...and where can I find a good spot?

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First thing you should do if you want to kill Sephiroth and Terra is to be lvl99 (some can kill even at level 1 but lvl99 is more comfortable and easy).

Second, you should look for an translation guide for your abilties, so you can the ones you want. Careful, some abilities make things worse, negative combos, berserk charges, etc

You already have Ultima, that's one step done, it's the most useful weapon in the game to level up and kill secret bosses

You have beated the story mode I suppose. Because if not that's obviously one thing to do. If you find it confusing, search walktroughts.

Also, the best place to level up is the whole TWTNW because in KH2FM, when you finish its story mode, even the Dark City is filled with nobodys, so I find it the best place to level up and it's more entertaining (also you get a lot of Dusk or Twilight Material for recipes)

Do you know about the Data Remacthes? Of the members of Organization XIII? Since you didn't mention, I'll say anyways: it's on that new part of Hollow Bastion, that place with a hole? I forgot the name of the area, it's right before Ansem's castle, that place with a savepoint where you meet the Gullwings 2nd time

If you want Once More and Second Chance, you have to level up. That's the only way.

And it's a simple game when you get used to it. Sometimes you mind confuse the NA or Japanese Commands but you get along with them in time. You just have to practice more.

If you're playing in Critical, don't equip Zero EXP if you want to play it safe...

Edited by AntonioKHT

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