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Super Soldier:

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Poppy waited nervously. Honestly, she was really scared.

Zane on the other hand, could care less. He was actually looking forward to it. It seemed interesting.

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Sgt. Gray came over the loudspeaker...

"You will be dropping in via Jetpack... they have limited fuel so find a safe place to land... you over the drop zone now... move out troops"

The bay door opened...thankfully there helmets could sustain there bretahign even in the dense vaccum of space...

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Aaron lit the Jetpack up... bringing the two in for a safe mission... it was night out on the planet...

Aaron took the jetpack off...

He whipped his gun out... and low crawled over to a bush... surveying the area through his scope..

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shawn and tim were still free falling together, then 100 meters above ground they lit up the jet packs and roughly landed, and then got their rifles out

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this isn't the type of universe where one can survive for so long... maybe 20/21? please?

(My character is just considered young already xD Oh and what happened here?)

Kourin and Eiki followed what Aaron and Poppy did.

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(You can't have your character over the age 20... lol, anyway... read back a few pages, you have to read the briefing and stuff...)


Aaron gave a hand signal to the others which meant Rally up...

(Group together...)

When they finally got over to him he whispered...

"Okay, I spotted two guards roughyl 100 yrds away... Myself and Shawn are going to go in either direction, me left... him right, and we'll close in on them... Poppy, I need you to watch the guards, give a whistle like this: *Makes a whistle which sounds a bit like a dying bird, a bit like a tire deflating...*, If you see anyhting suspicous... like, if they look in our direction... Tim, you need to watch Shawns progress... Kourin, watch mine..."

Flynn stiffled a laugh...

"If she whistles like that, I'm gonna start laughing so hard I'll blow our cover from miles away..."

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Aaron lowered to a sniper crawl... and crawled the 100 or so yards over to the guards, hiding behind a tree.... he cocked his gun... he flipped the lazer sight on... he gave the "Ok" To Shawn...

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Aaron raised up from the sniper crawl... he took off the secondary barrel, givng him his rifle again...

He gave the 'all clear, move foward' signal to the others...

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