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KH3D 100 things you don't like about KH3D

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35.. How the game broke itself with the wall jumping feature. You don't need to use the game designed methods of getting chests when you can just WALL JUMP.

Edited by LunarMadness

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36. We got MX. Braig, Isa, Ansem, Xemnas, (YMX??)

But who the HELL where the other darknesses?


37. No meld comments.


38. Losing the abilities when you don't have the dream eater in your party


39. Tron's VERY confusing ending


40. Young Sora.. young Riku was okay, But I was really annoyed by the young Sora somehow

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45. There are no secret reports to help the understanding of the plot (not talking about the files that review past events, but new useful background info like the secret reports were).

46. How badly the time travel logic was explained, making it illogical and contradictory.

Edited by Cactuar

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51: Not enough emphasis on sora and riku training.

52:Not enough Flowmotion.

53:No keyblade armor/Keyblade glider for sora riku.

54:No Sora Command styles

55:Lame secret ending

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56. Fighting Young Xehanort. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png That boss was tedious.

57. How the "final boss" was laughably easy, and made me just look away after a bit because of the frustration of how easy it was.

58. Not enough of Beat and Rhyme!

59. How confusing Joshua is.

60. 0.0 Not enough Riku x Shiki (...Oh, come ON, it was there!) OR Neku x Shiki.

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64. The rate of time and attention it takes to level up a dream eater, unlock their hidden boards and then just lose the abilities when you switch them out, even when you complete their ability board (i would have assumed by completing it it becomes MINE)

65. Not enough Kairi. If the secret ending indicates what we think, she should have had more face time, or a larger secret ending showing her training or something.

66. No freak fest in LCDC

67. The Trophy Frequent Friends. I have no friends who play this, so i'm unable to attain it.

68. The way one wrong question can cost you the secret ending

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