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How well

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So how well do films based off of video games do? I just want to know if they get good reception or bad reception. The reason I am asking this is because let's pretend that there will be a Kingdom Hearts movie(which I doubt), will it get such good praise as the game? And how will the animation be?

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They could really only do it as CGI, and they do soso. for something like KH which is so big it might do well, but I don't think it'd worl with out much world jumping you technically have to do in the games. :< It'd be long and boring to watch all that.

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I'd rather have the people who worked on Advent Children to do it. Pixar would make it too cartoony, it needs to be more epic and action packed, imho.

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Honestly, I think that a movie would be nice if it was not live action, but I doubt it would happen. I think the closest we're going to get is maybe a cameo in Disney's new Wreck-It-Wralph movie. (which would be pure awesome.)

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CGI all the way.


Id say an anime would be better with manga styled drawings though......


an anime would also be able to fit the length of the story better seeing as how it'd be able to have a longer run time through seasons. Movies would have to be long and still have multiples, like Lord of the Rings.

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an anime would also be able to fit the length of the story better seeing as how it'd be able to have a longer run time through seasons. Movies would have to be long and still have multiples, like Lord of the Rings.


There are so much to explain that a movie isn't enough.

Plus they have the manga's out and they can turn it into a anime, even though this game is not meant for anime's or movies.

Edited by Shana09

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There are so much to explain that a movie isn't enough.

Plus they have the manga's out and they can turn it into a anime, even though this game is not meant for anime's or movies.


I couldn't actually play through CoM, I tried many times, so I bought the manga instead. It did a great job of explaining things and was pretty fun with great drawing to boot. I was still mildly confused when KHII came out, though but the internet and youtube helped by letting me watch the cutscenes xD

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